- Love the tabs and the effective use of screen real-estate
- Startup performance is phenomenal
- Bootstrapper installation makes for an unpleasant experience in the future reinstalls.
- As a developer I find it annoying that XML content types are not rendered within the browser window. Instead of a nice formatted view of your XML, you are presented with a blank page 🙁
- Lack of plugin support
- The fine print ( )
- Google reserves the right to automatically update and install Chrome. (NOT too bad)
- Although you retain any copyrights to content you own and use in the browser, Google says it has a right to display some of your content, in conjunction with promoting its services.
- More Ads !!!
User Agent
" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/0.A.B.C Safari/525.13 "
Acid2 Browser Test
Google Chrome Acid2 test result |
Reference rendering / Expected result |
As expected the Acid2 test was passed, but I did find a funny bug when resizing the window on the test page. 🙁
Acid3 Browser Test
Google Chrome Acid3 test result |
Reference rendering / Expected result |
Not a bad score for a BETA product…