Published by: Bill Chesnut
Recently at our Mexia Code Camp the 2 days before TechEd Australia on the Gold Coast I had a chance to look at the recently released Service Bus 1.0 Beta for Windows Server. Having spent a fair bit of time working with the Azure Service Bus I am interested in how the on-premises version compares and to my relief it is a very close implementation.
The differences that I found were around the authentication and the addressing, the Windows Server version ships with it own STS for authentication using your windows credentials so that it can have no dependencies on the Azure ACS. The addressing of the queues differ by the fact that you are talking to a windows server in your infrastructure, so instead of the Azure. Azure uses a method of, on-premises you end up with .<your domain (options)/ these differences are support by a modified Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll version 1.6 that is part of the beta install.
So now on the a performance comparison, I typically don’t put much stock in performance testing of beta version by I was interested to see just a rough estimate of the performance. One of the 1st issues that I ran into was that my previous Azure service bus performance testing was dong with BizTalk, but the WCF netMessagingTransport and specifically the transportClientEndpointBehavior does not support the windows sts authentication. To overcome this missing authentication support in the beta I modified the BizTalk Service Bus adapter that I am currently working on to support the on-premises beta, the changes were minimal and really only effected the connection establishment part of the adapter.
Now what kind of numbers did I get, so my previous testing with the Azure Service Bus topics was bases on sending 600 messages to a topic with 600 subscriptions, so I replicated the same configuration in my on-premises test, luckily the utility code that I had written for creating the 600 subscription work with minor changes to the the connection code. One of the 1st things that I tested was Azure Service Bus has a limit of 100 concurrent connections, was that the same for windows server beta, no it seem there is no limit to the number of connections to an individual queue, topic or subscription. Running the same test as with Azure, I found that Azure was taking 15 seconds to send the 600 message to a topic with 600 subscriptions and the on-premises beta was taking 30 seconds, which is not as bad as it seems, since my on-premises implementation is running on a single virtual machine with SQL and BizTalk on the same virtual. Which indicates that what most people think is the biggest limiting factor for Azure is the latency to the Azure data centre is not the limiting factor, processing the filters for 600 subscriptions on a single topic seem to be more limiting than the connection latency.
Next steps, The overall design of the windows server implementation of service bus is bases on a farm model, with my test environment I had a single server farm, so I am planning to create a 4 virtual machine on-premises service bus farm to see how spreading the load across multiple virtual machines help the overall through put.
I think the on-premises implementation of service bus offers a great addition to our integration toolkit and can fill the gaps when the cloud is not the right solution for your integration solutions.