By popular demand I have made some significant changes to the EDI logger. None I don’t think are more important than the rest, but some do address a REAL thorn in a lot of peoples sides. I will get to that in the next entry about the change to the message. This one deals with the pipeline itself. Below is a picture of the receive pipeline configuration:

The send pipeline configuration:

And the following table on how to configure the values:

Row Type Meaning
Database string BAM Database to store data
Server string BAM Server to store data
Active boolean Activates the logging mechanism, if not, it is simply a pass thru pipeline component
Count1 string Either XPath or Regex.Match (string count)
Count2 string Either XPath or Regex.Match (string count)
Count3 string Either XPath or Regex.Match (string count)
FromAddress string email address representing BizTalk as source
FromName string Friendly Name representing FromAddress (ex: BizTalk Prod [email protected])
Notify boolean Activate flag for email notification
NotifyOnlyOnError boolean Only send out email if there are validation errors
SMTPHost string SMTP Host address
Secure boolean True: Do not include ISA01/02/03/04 as components to be used
False: Include ISA01/02/03/04 as components to be used
SubjectLine string Macros and regular text to create customized email subject line
ToAddress string Allows multiple email addresses to be included in email notification (semicolon separates email addresses)