The next step in developing your PIDX / RNIF solution using the BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet (BTARN 3.5) is to create a new Process Configuration from your PIDX PIP. I’m going to use the PIDX “Invoice” and “Invoice Response” PIPs (P21 & P22) in this example since they are generally the most important in the Energy, Oil & Gas industry right now.

1. You begin by opening the BTARN Management Console and right-clicking on the Process Configuration Settings node in the left-hand pane and selecting New > Process Configuration.

2. For PIDX configurations I recommend using a Display Code that includes the standard, the PIP and the version like “PIDX_P21_1.0”. This will make things a lot easier if you need to support multiple versions in the future. The Process Code corresponds to the PIP number which is “P21” in our case. The Version is “1.0” and the Process Name is “Invoice”. The Message Standard is “PIDX”, the Standard Version is “1.0” and the Payload Binding ID is also “PIDX. Once you are done, your General tab should look like this.

3. The parameters you set on the Activity tab are very important and the required values can be found in the PIDX Implementation Guide. To meet the PIDX requirements, the Non-Repudiation Required, Is Authorization Required and Non-Repudiation of Origin and Content parameters must all be set to “True” and the Type parameter must be set to “Request/Response”. The settings for all other parameters on the Activity tab must be agreed upon by both parties involved in the transaction. Once you are done, the Activity tab should look like this.

4. The parameters you set on the Initiator tab are also very important and these are all specified by the PIDX P21 Invoice PIP documentation. It’s very important that you communicate these settings to your trading partner as well since they must be the same on both messaging systems. Once you are complete the Initiator tab should look exactly like this.


5. The same goes for the Responder tab as shown here.

There are a lot of parameters to set when creating a new Process Configuration in the BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet. Almost all of these are used by the Initiator Private Process and Initiator Public Process to create the outbound RNIF headers and message so it’s vital that you and your trading partner agree on all these before you begin testing.

It’s pretty sad how complicated this is compared to an alternative such as AS2. As I’ve said before using RosettaNet is like “swatting a fly with an atom bomb”.

Currently listening to Eric Marienthal’s Just Around the Corner.