Vishal has written a great tool (very easy to use) that will incrementally
add your current Tracking Archives to a ‘master’ tracking database that has all the
goodies in it for analysis.
Stitching tool
So in essence you keep your production Tracking database down in size!!!! no
30GB databases please!! (on several occasions it’s been days to reduce
these DBs)
Schedule regular archiving and pruning—> use this tool –> you then have a
regular complete Tracking DB for super analysis.
—– Snippet from the Readme file —–
Once the aggregate database has been setup there are multiple
ways you can add another backup to it.
- You explicitly specify the backup file to the sql stored procedure.
You can specify a folder containing a list of backups to the
sql stored procedure. The stored procedure automatically appends the backups taking
care of the order in which they need to be uploaded. All backups that have already
been uploaded or are older than the last one added, will be automatically skipped. -
<fully automated> After a setup
a SQL server agent job is added. You can enable the job and specify the folder location.
The job automatically runs and appends and new backups.