I’ve got quite a few request for Proxy support through the years, and eventually someone (no names) got tired of waiting, hired me as a consultant, and forced me to implement it. So I’m happy to say the adapter now comes with support for HTTP Proxy.

Support has also been added to:

  1. Enable "%UniversalDateTime%" macro on Receive Location (rename)
  2. "Leave File" on the Receive Location.
  3. Not throwing 10.000 exception to the eventlog (yes this is a feature)

Thanks to everyone giving feed-back through the codeplex site.

If you like it, please rate the project (If you don’t like it, you should not feel obligated to do so)

You will still need to set the appropriate SSH parameters such as SSH Host, User name and Remote path. These parameters will be sent to the proxy server, which in turn will act as “man-in-the-middle” and connect to the SSH server using the parameters provided by the adapter.