Hey folks, Something that has been bugging me for a while is to be able to set a bunch
of BizTalk services to ‘Automatic (Delayed)’ start type, cause as you’re aware when
you reboot a box (pretty much any box outside a class room lab) – all the biztalk
services will be stopped due to the underlying services taking a while.
Namely the ESSO service.
So I thought I’d write a batch file – yes batch! that doesn’t rely on libraries from
here, powershell modules from there and requiring .NET version 2020!
Here it is & enjoy
—– Batch to Set all BizTalk Services to Automatic (delay) —–
sc query state= all | find “SERVICE_NAME: BTSSvc” > %temp%\btssvc.txt
FOR /F “tokens=* delims=:” %%a IN (%temp%\btssvc.txt) DO call :sub “%%a”
del /f %temp%\btssvc.txt
@echo Done.
exit /b
echo In Subroutine
@set svc=%1
set svc=”%svc:~15%
echo Configuring %svc%
sc config %svc% start= delayed-auto
Blog Post by: Mick Badran