Well I recently went down the task of upgrading my notebook to x64 – Win2008 RC0.
So far so good – a little hunting for the vital drivers (bluetooth) and it’s rocking.
I then went to continue on with some BizTalk RFID work and boom!!! I forgot that I
needed to update these drivers also .
Fortunately after some researching (knew I’d put that Computer Engineering degree
to good use) – I found the drivers I needed, although they don’t say “DLP RFID Drivers….”
Essentially they are some sort of USB port converter – works fine with the DLP_RFID
demo program…..cool…….
When you install the Drivers – from Device Manager, select ‘Update Driver….’ and
explicitly point to the root of the DLP x64 driver’s folder. From here you will be
presented with 4 driver options.
Select ‘USB Serial Converter’ …..you’re away!
I’ve done all the hard work for you – grab them here
x64 drivers