This post was originally published here

Today we will focus on another set of libraries available for BizTalk Server 2020: Custom Advanced Functoids. This is part of the BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack project migration task I been doing in the last few days. 

Custom Advanced Functoids

This library includes a suite of functoids that provides methods for Conditional mapping that you can use this inside BizTalk mapper.

This project includes the following Custom Functoids:

  • Default Value Mapping functoid: The Value Mapping and Value Mapping (Flattening) functoids are used to provide a conditional mapping from an input instance message to an output instance message. When their first input parameter is true, the second input parameter is put into the specified element or attribute in the output instance message; otherwise, that element or attribute is not created in the output instance message. The Default Value Mapping has similar but different behavior. You can use the Default Value Mapping functoid to return a value from one of two input parameters. If the value of the first input parameter is Null or Empty, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise, the first input is returned.
    • The functoid takes two mandatory input parameters:
      • String value to tested as Null or Empty
      • String value that will act as Default Value in case of the first input will be Null or empty.
    • If the value of the first input parameter is Null or Empty, then the value of the second input parameter is returned, otherwise, the first input is returned, Example: P0011

BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack

BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack is a set of libraries with several useful functoids to include and use it in a map, which will provide an extension of BizTalk Mapper capabilities.

BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack for BizTalk Server 2020

Where to download?

You can download this functoid along with all the existing one on the BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack  here:

BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack GitHub RepositoryBizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack

The post BizTalk Mapper Extensions UtilityPack: Custom Advanced Functoids for BizTalk Server 2020 appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.