A couple of Key registry settings for the HL7 adapter that I thought I’d jot down
onto my online diary.

Some tweaks to apply under heavy load to the HL7 adapter

  1. Create the registry key MLLPSendFlushTimeout
    1. Create new registry key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk
      Accelerator for HL7/Version 2.0
      with following details:
    2. Name : MLLPSendFlushTimeout
    3. Value : 0
  2. Set MaxReceiveInterval to 50 ms
    1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
    2. Expand Databases node and select BizTalkMgmtDb database.
    3. Expand Tables node and open table adm_ServiceClass.
    4. Set the value of MaxReceiveInterval to 50ms corresponding to the Name=Messaging

      Initially it is 500ms.
