I deleted the original post by mistake (woops!), so below is to replace the deleted one.
Last year a customer had a requirement to process DBF files in BizTalk. I created a custom pipeline component that saved the incoming binary stream to a physical file on the BizTalk machine and then used basic ADO.NET to parse the DBF File into an XML document. I then modified/extended this pipeline component to accept and parse other ODBC files to XML, such as:
Possibly others such as Access Files.
At this point in time, this custom pipeline component will only parse Excel and DBF files, but it is possible to modify the component to process other ODBC types.
By using this custom pipeline component in a BizTalk Receive Pipeline it will do the following:
Raw DBF, Excel messages are delivered to BizTalk by any transport such as:
etc. etc.
The raw message will be parsed to XML in a BizTalk Receive Pipeline with the parsed XML message published into the MsgBox.
This component requires no special APIs and uses basic ADO.NET code to parse the ODBC type files into XML.
You can download the full source code for the Custom Pipeline component at the end of this entry.
The component works as below:
1) The incoming file is saved to a temporary file on the BizTalk machine.
2) An OLEDB connection will be used to connect to the file from 1).
3) A Sql query is performed against the OLEDB datasource.
4) The results from the query are stored to an ADO.NET dataset/datatable.
5) The XML is extracted from the datatable and modified for a root node name and target namespace.
6) The temporary file from 1) is deleted
7) The XML from 5) is added back to the pipeline message stream.
The custom pipeline component was coded as a Decoder pipeline component, but it could be modified to implement a Disassembler pipeline component.
The Custom Pipeline Component exposes a number of properties for dynamic configuration.
The connection string and query differs slightly for an Excel and DBF file. Therefore the configuration for an Excel file and DBF file are discussed separately:
The incoming Excel file to be parsed looks as below:
The resultant parsed XML file will look as below:
Note: Only two Employee nodes are present in the XML file due to a filter condition in the configuration (see below).
The Configuration for this Pipeline is as below:
1) ConnectionString -> The OLEDB Connection string for the Excel file.
The following is set for the ConnectionString property:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;
But, the final Connection String that is produced by the code looks like below:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;Data Source=C:\Temp\afgd1234.xls
This is because the code, dumps the Excel File to the TempDropFolderLocation and must dynamically add the Data Source section to the connection string.
Note : Other Connection Properties for an Excel File:
“HDR=Yes;” indicates that the first row contains columnnames, not data
“IMEX=1;” tells the driver to always read “intermixed” data columns as text
(Above From: http://www.connectionstrings.com/ )
2) DataNodeName -> The XML Node name for the Data. In this case Employee
3) DeleteTempMessages -> If set to True, will delete the Excel file that is dropped to the TempDropFolderLocation after processing.
4) Filter -> Filter for the SqlStatement. In this case, will only Select LastNames Like %B%
Note: This is optional. If all data is to be returned, leave blank.
5) Namespace -> NameSpace for the resultant XML message.
6) RootNodeName -> Root Node Name for the resultant XML Message.
7) SqlStatement -> OLEDB Select Statement.
SQL syntax: SELECT * FROM [sheet1$] – i.e. worksheet name followed by a “$” and wrapped in “[” “]” brackets.
(Above From: http://www.connectionstrings.com/ )
Note: The SqlStatement could also look as below:
Select FirstName,LastName FROM [sheet1$] (only bring back selected columns)
Select FirstName as FName, LastName as LName FROM [sheet1$] (rename the column Names in the resultant XML)
8) TypeToProcess -> In this case Excel File.
The incoming DBF file to be parsed looks as below:
The resultant parsed XML file will look as below:
Note: Only two Items nodes are present in the XML file due to a filter condition in the configuration (see below).
The Configuration for this Pipeline is as below:
Note: The above is an example of Per Instance Pipeline Configuration for BizTalk 2006.
1) ConnectionString -> The OLEDB Connection string for the DBF file.
The following is set for the ConnectionString property:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;
But, the final Connection String that is produced by the code looks like below:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;Data Source=C:\Temp\
This is because the code, dumps the DBF File to the TempDropFolderLocation and must dynamically add the Data Source section to the connection string.
2) DataNodeName -> The XML Node name for the Data. In this case Items
3) DeleteTempMessages -> If set to True, will delete the DBF file that is dropped to the TempDropFolderLocation after processing.
4) Filter -> Filter for the SqlStatement. In this case, will only Select PRICE >= 200 and PRICE <=500
Note: This is optional. If all data is to be returned, leave blank.
5) Namespace -> NameSpace for the resultant XML message.
6) RootNodeName -> Root Node Name for the resultant XML Message.
7) SqlStatement -> OLEDB Select Statement.
In this case only have the columns part of the Select Statement as below:
Select *
This is because the code dumps the DBF File to the TempDropFolderLocation and must dynamically add the FROM statement as below:
SELECT * FROM i0lb1gcr.dbf
Note: The SqlStatement could also look as below:
Select COD, PRICE (only bring back selected columns)
Select COD as Id, Price as Amount (rename the Node Names in the resultant XML)
8) TypeToProcess -> In this case DBF File.
Note: When configuring a Pipeline Component in the BizTalk Server 2006 Administration console,
for TypeToProcess :
0 -> Excel
1 -> DBF
You can download the code Here. Before installing, look at the Readme
Note: This code was written in VS2005. If you want to use it in VS2003, create a new Pipeline type of project in VS2003 and then just copy the code from the DecodeODBC.cs to the VS2003 class. Also thoroughly test the code before using.
The not so good things about this Component are:
1) It has to write the ODBC file locally to disk before parsing. This will create
extra disk I/O. I did test it with multiple submissions of 1 MB DBF files. The performance still seemed
pretty good.
2) The types of Excel files it can process are flat. If you’re Excel files to process are
complex, not sure how well this Component will parse to XML.
The good things about this component are:
1) The code to parse the ODBC files is dead simple, looks something like the below:
OleDbDataAdapter oCmd;
// Get the filter if there is one
string whereClause = ” “;
if (Filter.Trim() != ” “)
whereClause = ” Where ” + Filter.Trim();
if (this.TypeToProcess == odbcType.Excel)
oCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(this.SqlStatement.Trim() + whereClause, oConn);
else // dbf
oCmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(this.SqlStatement.Trim() + ” From ” + filename + whereClause, oConn);
// Perform the Select statement from above into a dataset, into a DataSet.
DataSet odbcDataSet = new DataSet();
oCmd.Fill(odbcDataSet, this.DataNodeName);
// Write the XML From this DataSet into a String Builder
System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
System.IO.StringWriter stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter(stringBuilder);
2) This code can be modified to process other types of ODBC files. The modifications
may be minor.
3) You can filter the data in an incoming Excel or DBF file.