The BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 was released to manufacturing and is now generally available .

For BizTalk 2009 users (except branch edition), the Adapter Pack 2.0 license comes free and can be downloaded from the volume licensing site.

Biztalk 2006 R2 users can get the Biztalk Adapter Pack if they have Software Assurance for Biztalk.

Others will have to buy it seperately.

The prequsite for this is the WCF LOB Adapter SDK SP2.  A 120 day evaluation version of the Adapter Pack 2.0 is also now  available . The below table summarizes all the links you need to get started with the Adapter Pack 2.0 .  


WCF LOB Adapter SDK SP2(pre-req for BAP 2.0)

Adapter Pack 2.0 120 day Evaluation Version

SQL Adapter SKU Download(Can use if you have a valid BizTalk license)

Documentation and Samples


MSDN Location of Adapter Pack 2.0 docs

Download location for individual CHMs in Adapter Pack 2.0

Download location for Adapter Pack 2.0 Installation Guide

Download location for SQL Adapter Installation Guide and CHM

Download location for all the samples for Adapter Pack 2.0


The Forum to ask any questions or look for answers is here  .  This version also includes the Customer Experience Improvement Program. Do turn it on so that we get some valuable feedback that can be used for future improvements.