Last week I was in Redmond for QuickLearn’s BizTalk Server 2006 Deep Dive.  It was great to get a dedicated week of time to look at BizTalk 2006.  While the core of the product remains the same, it’s great to see the new features.  I think everyone will be pleased with the new product!  It’s coming soon…and hopefully I’ll be able to find some time to get out a few blog entries!  One quick note, if you haven’t looked at the SDK that comes with any of the Beta’s for BizTalk 2006, please do so.  Along with the existing SDK, Microsoft has also provided several scenarios that are full applications…not just simple examples!  This is a great resource for developing Enterprise Applications.

Jon Flanders is now with QuickLearn and taught part of the BizTalk class.  I would recommend every BizTalk developer bookmark his blog site:  Mastering BizTalk Server