Some time ago, I published a set of proposed
naming conventions for BizTalk 2004.  

In the interim, I’ve had a chance to see these used in a few different projects
and to review them with several people — and they have evolved & grown a fair

So I thought I’d publish the new version – the Word version can be found here,
and an HTML version can be found here.
 (I’ve found it helpful to open the HTML version directly in VS.NET for
quick reference.)

Hopefully these will be of value to your project.  I’ve certainly found
that the documentation value to be had within Orchestrations and within the operational
tools can be hugely improved by following these conventions – especially
if you are using the UK
SDC BizTalk 2004 Documenter tool (you are, aren’t you?)  My comments
on the use of such documentation in
my old post still apply, I believe.

Leave comments with questions or suggestions…