Change the “Created By” Metadata Property to contain the author information in SharePoint Core Search Results

SharePoint 2010, FAST for SharePoint, Core Results Web Part, customize search results, Created By Managed Property, Author crawled property
Display the “Created By” author name on the search results page. Also, modify the “Author” default refiner to display the “Created By” author name.
On a recent project,  I was trying to resolve a problem with […]
Blog Post by: kadasani

There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiReceive Reason: No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data.

There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: Microsoft.BizTalk.Edi.DefaultPipelines.EdiReceive Reason: No Disassemble stage components can recognize the data.

In my last two posts I showed two possible errors, and their respective solutions, that can happen when we are validating dummy EDI message, provided by our partners, against the schema using Visual Studio, but these errors could also happen in runtime. In this post I will show you one common error when we are […]
Blog Post by: Sandro Pereira

Part 2: BizTalk + SignalR

Part 2: BizTalk + SignalR

In my previous post, we discussed some of the reasons why BizTalk and SignalR may complement themselves in some situations.  I will now walk through the implementation of this OMS scenario.

I am going to create a Call Taker Web application that will communicate with a BizTalk exposed WCF service. Once BizTalk receives the request message, we will send a response acknowledgement message back to the Call Taker Web application. BizTalk will then communicate with OMS system.  “In real life” this will involve Websphere MQ, but for the purpose of this blog post I am simply going to use the FILE Adapter and a folder that will act as my queue.  Once we have finished communicating with OMS, we want to send an update status message to the Call Taker application using SignalR.  In this information we will include the Estimated Time of Restore(ETR) for the customer who has called in.image


The Bits

Other than a base BizTalk install, we are going to need the SignalR bits.  Like in most cases, NuGet if your friend.  However, as you probably know, BizTalk requires any “helper” assemblies to be in the GAC. We need to sign the SignalR.Client assembly with a Strong Name key.  To get around this I suggest you download the source from here.  You only need to do this for the SignalR.Client assembly.

The Solution

There are really 3 projects that make up this solution:


Let’s start with the BizTalk application since we are going to need to expose a WCF Service that the Web Application is going to consume.

In total we are going to need 4 schemas:

  • CallTakerRequest – This schema will be exposed to our Web Application as a WCF Service.  In this message we want to capture customer details.


  • CallTakerResponse – This will be our acknowledgement message that we will send back to the WCF client.  The purpose is to provide the Web Application with assurance that we have received the request message successfully and that we “promise” to process it


  • CreateCallRequest – This message will be sent to our OMS system.  Also note the msgid field which has a promoted property.  Since we are going to use correlation to tie the CreateCallRequest and CreateCallResponse messages together, we will use this field to bind the messages.


  • CreateCallResponse – When our OMS system responds back to BizTalk, it will include the same msgid as the field that was included in the request.  This field will also be promoted.  The other two elements(ETR and OrderNumber) we distinguish them so that we can pass them off to the SignalR Helper easily.


We will also need two maps:

  • CallTakerRequest_to_CallTakerResponse – The purpose of this map is to generate a response that we can send to the Web Client.  We will simply use a couple functoids to set a status of “True” and provide a timestamp.


  • CallTakerRequest_to_CreateCallRequest – This map will take our request message from our Web App and then transform it into an instance of our OMS Create Call message.  For the msgid, I am simply hardcoding a value here to make my testing easier.  In real life you need to ensure you have a unique value.


  • We now need an Orchestration to tie all of these artifacts together.  The Orchestration is pretty straight forward.  However, as I mentioned in the CreateCall schemas that we have promoted the msgid element.  The reason for this is that when we receive the message back from OMS system that we want it to match up with the same Request instance that was sent to OMS. To support this we need to create a CorrelationType and CorrelationSet.


The final Expression shape, identified by ’Send SignalR Update’ is of particular interest to us since we will need to call a helper method that will send our update to our Web Application via that SignalR API.


This is a good segway into diving into the C# Class Library Project called BizTalkRHelper.

BizTalkRHelper Project

Since we are going to start interfacing with SignalR within this project, we are going to need a few project references which we can get from NuGet.  Although, please recall that we need a signed SignalR.Client assembly so we will need to compile this source code and then use a Strong Name key.  This can be the same key as the one that was used in the BizTalk project.  As I mentioned before, we need to GAC this assembly, hence us requiring the Strong Name Key.  We will also need to GAC the Newtonsoft.Json assembly but this does not require any additional signing on our part.

Otherwise we can use the assemblies that are provided as part of the NuGet packages.


This project includes two classes:

  • Message – This class is used as our strongly typed message that we will send to our web app.


  • CallTakerNotification – Within this class we will establish a connection to our HUB, construct an instance of our message that we want to send our client, provide the name of what you can think of as subscription and then send the message.  Obviously in a real world scenario hardcoding this URI is not a good idea.  You may also recognize that this is the method that we are going to be calling from BizTalk as we are providing the Estimated Time of Restore (ETR) and our OrderNumber that we received from our OMS system.  This is why we identified these elements in the CreateCallResponse message as being distinguished.  This also means that our BizTalk project will require a reference to this BizTalkRHelper project so that we can call this assembly from our Orchestration.


CallTakerWeb Project

This project will be used to store our Web Application artifacts. Once again with this project we need to get the SignalR dependencies.  I suggest using NuGet and search for SignalR.


Next, we need to add a couple classes to our project.  These classes are really where the “heavy lifting” is performed.  I use the term “heavy” lightly considering how few lines of code that we are actually writing vs the functionality that is being provided.   Note: I can’t take credit for these two classes as I have leveraged the following post:

  • Messenger – Provides helper methods that will allow us to:
    • Get All Messages
    • Broadcast a message
    • Get Clients

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using SignalR;

namespace CallTakerWeb
    public class Messenger
        private readonly static Lazy<Messenger> _instance = new Lazy<Messenger>(() => new Messenger());
        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, BizTalkRHelper.Message> _messages =
            new ConcurrentDictionary<string, BizTalkRHelper.Message>();

        private Messenger()

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the instance.
        /// </summary>
        public static Messenger Instance
                return _instance.Value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<BizTalkRHelper.Message> GetAllMessages()
            return _messages.Values;

        /// <summary>
        /// Broads the cast message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
        public void BroadCastMessage(Object message, string group)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the clients.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static dynamic GetClients(string group)
            var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MessengerHub>();
            return context.Clients[group];



  • MessengerHub – Is used to:
    • Initialize an instance of our Hub
    • Add to a new group
    • Get All Messages
    • Broadcast a message to a group

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using SignalR.Hubs;
using BizTalkRHelper;

namespace CallTakerWeb
    public class MessengerHub : Hub
        private readonly Messenger _messenger;

        public MessengerHub() : this(Messenger.Instance) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MessengerHub"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messenger">The messenger.</param>
        public MessengerHub(Messenger messenger)
            _messenger = messenger;


        public void AddToGroup(string group)
            this.Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, group);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all messages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerable<BizTalkRHelper.Message> GetAllMessages()
            return _messenger.GetAllMessages();

        /// <summary>
        /// Broads the cast message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
        public void BroadCastMessage(Object message, string group)
            _messenger.BroadCastMessage(message, group);

With our SignalR plumbing out of the way, we need to make some changes to our Site.Master page.  Since I am using the default Web Application project, it uses a Site.Master template.  We need to include some script references to some libraries.  By placing them here we only need to include them once and can use them on any other page that utilizes the Site.Master template.

<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/BizTalkRMessengerHub.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery.signalR-0.5.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../signalr/hubs"></script>

You may not recognize the second reference(BizTalkRMessengerHub.js) nor should you since it is custom.  I will further explore this file in a bit.

Next we want to modify the Default.aspx page.  We want to include some <div> tags so that we have placeholders for content that we will update via JQuery when we receive the message from BizTalk.

We also want to include a label called lblResults.  We will update this label based upon the acknowledgement that we receive back from BizTalk

<div class="callTakerDefault" id="callTaker" ></div>
<asp:Label ID="lblResults" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
<div id="orderUpdate"> </div>
<div id="etr"> </div>
<div id="orderNumber"></div>

<br />
<h2>Please provide Customer details</h2>
        <td>Customer Name: <asp:TextBox ID="txtCustomer" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>   
        <td>Phone Number: <asp:TextBox ID="txtPhoneNumber" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> </td>
         <td>Customer Site ID: <asp:TextBox ID="txtCustomerSiteID" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
        <td>Comments: <asp:TextBox ID="txtComments" runat="server"></asp:TextBox></td>
  <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Submit" onclick="Button1_Click" /><br />


The last piece of the puzzle is the BizTalkRMessengerHub.js file that I briefly mentioned. Within this file we will establish a connection to our hub, add ourselves to the CallTaker subscription and then get all related messages.

When we receive a message, we will use JQuery to update our div tags that we have embedded within our Default.aspx page.  We want to provide information like the Estimated Time of Restore and the Order Number that the OMS system provided.

$(function () {
    var messenger = $.connection.messenger // generate the client-side hub proxy { Initialized to Exposed Hub }

    function init() {
        return messenger.getAllMessages().done(function (message) {


    messenger.begin = function () {
        $("#callTaker").html(‘Call Taker Notification System is ready’);


    messenger.add = function (message) {
        //update divs
        $("#orderUpdate").html(‘Order has been updated’);
        $("#etr").html(‘Estimated Time of restore is: ‘ + message.ETR);
        $("#orderNumber").html(‘Order Number: ‘ + message.OrderNumber);
        //Set custom backgrounds


    // Start the Connection
    $.connection.hub.start(function () {
        init().done(function () {





Testing the Application

So once we have deployed our BizTalk application and configured our Send and Receive Ports we are ready to start testing. To do so we will:

  • Launch our Web Application.  The first thing that you may notice is that we have a <div> update indicating that our Notification System is ready.  What this means is that our browser has created a connection to our Hub and is now listening for messages.  This functionality was included in the JavaScript file that we just discussed.


  • Next we will populate the Customer form providing their details and then click the Submit button.


  • Once the button has been pressed we should receive an acknowledgement back from BizTalk and we will update the results label indicating that the Order has been received and that it is currently being processed.


  • You may recall that at this point we will start sending messages Asynchronously with the OMS system.  For the purpose of this blog post I am just using the FILE Adapter to communicate with the File System.  When I navigate to the folder that is specified in my Send Port, I see a newly created file with the following contents:


  • Ordinarily, the OMS system would send back an Acknowledgement message automatically but for this post, I am just going to mock one up and place it in the folder that my Receive Location is expecting.  You will notice that I am also using the same msgid to satisfy my Correlation Set criteria.


  • When BizTalk processes the CreateCallResponse, it will invoke our SignalR helper and a message will be sent to our Web Browser and it will subsequently be updated without any post backs or browser refreshes.  Below you will see 3 div tags being updated with this information that was passed from BizTalk. 




At this point I hope that you are impressed with SignalR.  I find it pretty amazing that we have other systems like BizTalk sending messages to our Web Application asynchronously without having the browser to be posted back or refreshed. I also think that this technology is a great way to bridge different synchronous/asynchronous messaging patterns.

I hope that I have provided a practical scenario that demonstrates how these two technologies can complement each other to provide a great user experience to end users.  We are seriously considering using this type of pattern in an upcoming project.  Since this was really my introduction to the technology and I do have some exploring to do but so far I am very happy with the results.

Part 1: BizTalk + SignalR

Part 1: BizTalk + SignalR

For those unfamiliar with BizTalk, it is Microsoft’s premiere Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platform.  It is used to integrate disparate systems over a variety of protocols using a durable pub-sub mechanism.

SignalR does have some similarities to BizTalk in that it is a messaging system that also supports the notion of pub-sub.  However, SignalR’s sweet spot is really lightweight messaging across Web clients.  SignalR itself is a scalable, asynchronous .Net library authored by David Fowler and Damian Edwards.  If you are new to SignalR, I recommend checking out this post by Scott Hanselman who describes many of the underlying technical details that I will not be going into in this post.

Why is SignalR important?

One of the true benefits of SignalR is it is Asynchronous by nature.  I don’t profess to be an expert web developer.  I have done some in an earlier life prior to my BizTalk days but I know enough to understand that locking up a user’s browser during a request-response interaction can be a really bad thing.  Yes, technologies have been introduced like AJAX and JQuery to provide a more asynchronous experience and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. But, overall they take many steps to solve this Request-Response locking problem.  The question remains, what happens when you have events occurring in other systems that you want raised within your current system that you are interacting with?  This is where I feel the true “magic” of SignalR comes into place.


I work in the Electricity/Power industry and we are implementing an Outage Management System (OMS).  OMS systems are used to calculate or anticipate the particular device(s) that are the underlying problem that is causing a Power Outage.  OMS systems may have many different types of input including Customer Calls, IVR messages or even SCADA events.  In this case we are only going to focus on Customer Calls.

This OMS system is a commercial off the shelf (COTS) product that we have purchased from a vendor.  This product has defined, XML based, asynchronous interfaces that require the use of  WebSphere MQ queues.  Using BizTalk to integrate with the OMS system makes a lot of sense and plays well to BizTalk’s strengths that include:

  • Support for MQ Series
  • Durable Messaging
  • Tracking
  • Configuration
  • Correlation (Async messaging)
  • XML Schemas
  • etc..

But the question remains, we need to capture information that is coming from our Customer’s calls in our Call Centre.  One option that we are currently exploring is a light weight Web Based application that will allow our Call Centre to quickly capture customer’s outage information and then pass this information to BizTalk and have BizTalk deal with calling the OMS’s semi-complex interfaces.

Much earlier in my career I may have been tempted to do the following:

  • Expose a WCF/Web Service that a Web Application can consume
  • Accept the request from the Web App and then proceed to call the asynchronous interfaces that exist in the OMS system.
  • In the meantime, the Web Application that called the BizTalk Service is being blocked as BizTalk is still processing messages Asynchronously.
  • Once BizTalk is done interacting with the OMS system, BizTalk will provide a response back to the Calling Web Application.

The reality is that his is a bad pattern.  You don’t want to lock up your users in a Web Application if you don’t have to especially when you have asynchronous messaging happening in the backend.


An alternative approach, that I like much better, is outlined below:

  • Expose a WCF/Web Service that a Web Application can consume.
  • Once BizTalk has received the Web Request from the Web Application, simply provide an acknowledgement that the message has been received and will be processed.
  • At this point the Web Browser has been posted back.  If our Web Application is built around technologies like JQuery and/or AJAX our users can continue to perform some work.
  • In the meantime as BizTalk is calling the OMS’ related interfaces, BizTalk can provide status updates back to the Web Application using SignalR.  There is actual information that the OMS system will pass back that our end users are interested in.  More specifically, it will include information as to when the Customer can expect their power to be restored (Estimated Time of Restore).  If you have ever experienced a power outage, I am sure you would like to know if it is going to last 30 minutes or 10 hours.

The benefits to this approach include:

  • User’s browser is not locked up
  • Users are continuing to be updated as to the status of their request
  • No need to continue to refresh your page (Just say NO to F5) in order to get a status update.



I am sure at the beginning of this post you were thinking what could BizTalk and SignalR possible have in common?  I hope that I have provided a good example of how these two technologies complement themselves.

In Part 2 of this series, I will actually implement this pattern that I have shown above.  I have split this information into two parts due to the total length of the content.  Stay tuned!

Promote using Correlation initialisation inside a loop

I assume you already know how to promote properties when sending a message from an orchestration to the messagebox.
This can of course be achieved by initializing a correlation set with containing all context properties you like to promote. But that ‘s not why I’m posting this blog. If you need more info on how to promote properties from an orchestration I’ll refer you to this blog.


The problem is when you try to do this from a send shape inside a loop, you’ll get an error when building the project in visual studio.
The received error is “Correlation set may be initialized only once“.


The solution to this issue is actually real easy. All you have to do is create a scope inside the loop. And place the send shape (and even other shapes if needed) in the created orchestration. The benefit of the orchestration is that you can define the correlation set on the scope itself (instead of as a global correlation set).
Now can initialize your correlation set on your send shape inside the scope.

And that’s all you’ll have to do!! It really is that easy! 🙂