CTP3 of Adapter Pack v2

CTP3 is here and we have added a lot more features based on some feedback we have been getting from various channels. So here is the list of major enhancements

SQL adapter:

1)      Strongly typed polling 
2)      Strongly typed stored procedures

Oracle Adapter

1)      Inline Value support
2)      App context initialization
3)      Oracle Notifications
4)      ReadLOB/Update LOB operations
5)       PLSQL tables inside RecordTypes    
6)      Performance improvement for metadata generation



1)      We now support upgrade from APv1 RTM to APv2 CTP3
2)      More meaningful schema names for SQL adapter – again a common feedback from customers, we will be doing this for other adapters in next releases

3)      Using the SAP ADO provider from SSRS

4)      Making WCF LOB adapters more discoverable – one of the common requests was that users have to select WCF-Custom and then sqlbinding or sapbinding from yet another menu in the BTS admin console while configuring ports causing problems with usability and troubleshooting.This has now been fixed and you can choose WCF-SQL or WCF-SAP from the list of send ports.



So go ahead and try out the new CTP and do send in feedback. As always, if you want to try this CTP  you need to join the TAP(Technology Adoption Program). You can see the details for joining TAP here . 



Vivek Krishna



Pluralsight’s WCF/WF Developer Screencast Series

Pluralsight’s WCF/WF Developer Screencast Series

Pluralsight has joined forces with the WCF/WF teams at Microsoft to deliver a series of short videos that illustrate how to get started using WCF/WF in your applications. The videos will be hosted on Channel9 within the Screencasts section, and they'll be highlighted on The .NET Endpoint Team Blog and the MSDN Dev Centers for WCF & WF. These videos provide 100-200 level content intended for folks new to the technology or those looking for quick tutorials on how to perform common tasks within each framework.

Cliff Simpkins announced the first video in the WCF series last week — you can find it over here on Channel9. It's called Creating Your First WCF Service. This short video guides you through how to create your first WCF Service from scratch in VS2008 – defining a data contract, a service contract, and testing/hosting the service using the new built-in WCF tools found in VS2008.

Creating your First WCF Service

A new video will be posted every week in the series…so check back on Channel9 if you're interested! And if you like what you see, you should also check out Pluralsight's new online training system that is currently in beta at the moment. You'll be hearing more about this over the next few months but if you're interested in participating in our early-adopter program, shoot me an email.

Programming the MetaWeblog API in .NET/C#

Programming the MetaWeblog API in .NET/C#

Most modern blogging engines support the MetaWeblog API, which was defined by XML-RPC.com many years ago.  It's become one of the most popular API's for programmatically interacting with blogs because of its simplicity. Even Microsoft's Windows Live Spaces provides support for it.

I wanted to use this API recently to interact with our Community Server implementation so I started searching around for client-side implementations that would be easy to program in C#. I was surprised that I couldn't find a mainstream implementation readily available. So I followed the example on MSDN and built my own MetaWeblog library in C# on top of Cook Computing's XML-RPC.NET library.

Here's what my MetaWeblogClient class looks like (truncated for brevity):

public class MetaWeblogClient : XmlRpcClientProtocol
    public Post[] getRecentPosts(string blogid, string username, string password, int numberOfPosts)
        return (Post[])this.Invoke("getRecentPosts", 
new object[] { blogid, username, password, numberOfPosts }); } [XmlRpcMethod("metaWeblog.newPost")] public string newPost(string blogid, string username, string password, Post content, bool publish) { return (string)this.Invoke("newPost",
new object[] { blogid, username, password, content, publish }); }

With this class, you can simply make method calls like getRecentPosts, newPost, editPost, etc to interact with any blog that supports the MetaWeblog API. You will need to specify that URL to the MetaWeblog endpoint prior to making those method calls. Here's an example:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MetaWeblogClient blog = new MetaWeblogClient();
        blog.Url = "http://www.pluralsight.com/community/blogs/metablog.ashx";

        // here's how you post a new entry...
        Post newPost = new Post();
        newPost.dateCreated = DateTime.Now;
        newPost.title = "Test post from Metablog Api";
        newPost.description = "This is the body of the post";
        newPost.categories = new string[] { "WCF", "WF" };
        blog.newPost("blogid", "username", "password", newPost, true);

        // here's how you retrieve the most recent entries...
        Post[] posts = blog.getRecentPosts("blogid", "username", "password", 5);
        foreach (Post post in posts)

The code turns out to be wonderfully simple. So if you find yourself in the same boat as me, looking for a MetaWeblog C# implementation, feel free to download my library here. Hopefully it will save you a little bit of time!

Explaining Roy Fielding’s Dissertation to my Wife – Roy is to REST as Dizzy is to Bebop (theoretically)

Explaining Roy Fielding’s Dissertation to my Wife – Roy is to REST as Dizzy is to Bebop (theoretically)

My lovely wife Shannon is helping to do proof-reading on my book,
and today she was working on the preface.

One of the things I talk about in the preface is about Roy Fielding, and how his dissertationis
really a named codification of the architecture of the Web

She said to me “This really bugs me, why does someone get credit for just naming and
distilling something that already exists”

I replied with “Well – naming things is important and he was part of the effort to
create the thing (the Web) so he should get some of the credit”

She said “Hmm – I still don’t get it, can you give me an example from outside of the
world of technology”

I said “Imagine when bebop was being
created as a genre of music. Think about Dizzy
, imagine he wrote a paper in about 1950 describing bebop, how it worked,
and what went into creating it, and how to tell bebop from other forms of jazz based
on chord structures, etc.”

That made sense to her, so I thought I would blog about it. 🙂

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R2 Training.

BizTalk Management / Power Utility

BizTalk Management / Power Utility

I was thinking about developing a single application that encapsulates some power utility features and management functionality rolled into one for administering and developing within the BizTalk space.

Some of the features I was thinking about include:

  •  Wizard style project creation utility:
    • conforms to best practice BizTalk developer implementation standards
    • includes SDC targeted Build tasks (including Rules Engine MSBUILD tasks
    • Strong Name keys generated and referenced at solution or project level
    • and maybe even BizUnit unit test projects included.
    • the ability to save wizard settings as template for future reference, or creation of Pattern based implementations
  • Local / Remote Event Viewer
  • Registry tweaks (i.e. Rules Engine) apply if local / export if remote instance of BizTalk
  • XPath statement generator
  • SSO Configuration Data Editor

I should be creating a project on www.codeplex.com soon, but would love to hear some ideas of functionality you would like to see in such a utility.

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