Useful links on Windows Workflow Foundation!

Recently, after a project requirement, i was asked to look into Windows Workflow Foundations and i found out that it more or less borrowed its concepts from biztalk server.
Tracking,persistance, rules engine, etc..are all almost same. However, workflow foundation is more of a language driven workflow (unlike biztalk, which is orchestration driven workflow)….
So, for a first […]

SSOConfig issues can be resolved soon

Check out the new BizTalk SSO Configuration and Troubleshooting Tool available on gotdotnet.
SSO issues are usually related to network settings, MSDTC settings, service settings, account permissions, account group memberships, etc. This tool generates a report about this information. It also dumps out all mappings of all affiliate applications. Optionally it can also output BizTalk configuration […]

How to extract email body and attachements using POP3 Adapter in BTS 2006!

Many people have been asking me this question for a long time now…hence, check out my answer in my usergroup ( as below:
UsingEncoded MIME message-Bydefault, the encoded mime message is passed to yourorchestration.You can get this message and then execute a series of Receive Pipelines in the orchestration to extract the different parts of the […]

BizUnit Extensions Project

BizUnit Extensions Project

My BizUnit Extensions project is finally live on CodePlex . Check it out here . Okay, so there are no releases yet, but this is a start and coupled with my context tutorial on codeproject means i have finally started giving back to the Biztalk community. The first release should be ready very soon and if you are interested, post comments there or email me and join up and lets see how far we can take this tool.

Custom Pipeline Components – part 2: Archive component continued

In the previous post we started creating the c# class that implements the interfaces needed to develop a custom BizTalk pipeline component. In this post, we continue with this sample…
The next interface we will implement is the IPersistPropertyBag interface. Before we do that, we need to add two generic utility methods to read to & write from […]