Unable to create web reference from BizTalk project

When trying to create a web reference to an existing web service you may see one or both of the following messages

Unabled to create web reference
Failed to create web rererence

If you see these messages (or similar messages), open up the source code (if you have it) from the service that you are trying to consume.  Examine the attributes of the webmethods. See if there is a “Name” attribute on the methods, and remove it if there is.  After you have done this you should be able to create the web reference from the BizTalk project.

I’m not sure why this works, but it has worked for me many times. If you can’t alter the attributes on the webservice, you can try using a C# class library to create the web reference for you and then call it indirectly. It’s messy I know, but it works.

Twin Cities BizTalk User Group in September…

Late notice (again) but if you can…be sure to join us at 6:00 pm on Thursday,
September 21st at the local Microsoft office in Bloomington. 
You can register here.

Scott Colestock (me) will be presenting this month on the topic of relating what
you learn during performance testing of a BizTalk application to your operations/monitoring
strategy.  Should be good fun (really!) and of course we’ll have the usual
food and beverages.

Biztalk 2006 Map Advanced Properties

It’s a been a while I blogged. I literally did not have time even to check the blogosphere for past few months. My projects are going very very busy and having fun with Biztalk. In the midst of work, I learnt a few advanced properties in Biztalk mapping which can be set directly by editing the Biztalk map file. As usual use this at your own risk. These are not tested fully to use in Production/Live environments.

Optimizing Value Mapping Functoid Code Generation

If you have worked with Value mapping Functoids in Biztalk maps and had a chance to look at the generated XSLT, you can notice that there are a bunch of variables declared which may not be used if the xsl:if condition evaluates false. However due to this variable, there is some memory being wasted. Consider the code below

<xsl:variable name=”var:v1″ select=”ScriptNS0:MapSoemthing()” />

<xsl:if test=”string($var:v2)=’true'”>

<xsl:variable name=”var:v3″ select=”string($var:v1)” />


<xsl:value-of select=”$var:v4″ />



The variable v1 can be declared inside the <xsl:if> since it needs to be used only if variable v2 is true. You can resolve this problem by setting the “OptimizeValueMapping” attribute of the mapsource element in the map (.btm) file to “Yes” (Note:If the map is created from scratch in BTS 2006, then the default is “Yes”, if it was migrated from BTS 2004 or before, it is set to “No”)

Accommodating Schemas with Large Footprints

When the Mapper is using a schema that huge with a lot of loops, testing/ validating could take a long time or, in the worse case, some even result in an “out of memory” error. This could happen sometimes with complex schemas as well as with large schemas.

The problem with complex schemas is due to the fact that the Mapper has to recursively load the entire schema tree looking for nodes that either have links connected to them or have the Value property set on them.

You can resolve this problem by setting the “GenerateDefaultFixedNodes” attribute of the mapsource element in the map (.btm) file to “No”

Schema Repository Live

Calling all BizTalk developers! I’ve just opened the Schema Repository with the first (XSD) schema – cXML OrderRequest (v1.2.008).
I’ve created the schema repository because of a lack of working schemas for some of the more common message sets (such as cXML, Basda etc.). You can view the schema repository, or jump straight to the cXML […]

Troubleshooting Schemas

I wrote this “How To” article for my company back in the spring, but thought it might be helpful to developers new to BizTalk. For me, troubleshooting schemas is always a pain point; this mostly due to all of the whacky file formats that are out there.
HOW-TO: Troubleshooting Schemas
One of the biggest frustrations about working […]

Commerce Server 2007: Great Pipeline Posts by Max!

Max Akbar [MSFT] has recently finished a series of really good posts about the Commerce Server Pipelines system. Max is the Product Manager for Commerce Server and was previously one of the team's Program Managers. He is also one of the most accomplished Commerce Server developers I know and hosts the team's GotDotNet workspace. This is the site where I'll be hosting my CS2007 UpmRoleProvider in the near future, so stay tuned.

Everything you ever wanted to know about pipelines but were afraid to ask (Part I)

Everything you ever wanted to know about pipelines but were afraid to ask (Part II)

Everything you ever wanted to know about pipelines but were afraid to ask (Part III)

Technorati Tags: Commerce Server 2007

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Last month Microsoft, IBM, HP and Intel released WS-ResourceTransfer. This specification takes advantage of the recently redesigned WS-Transfer in order to define a more fined-grained message protocol for fragment-level interactions with resources. The specification also includes elements present in other specifications like WS-ResourceLifetime, WS-ResourceProperties, and WS-Management to standardize how to use Web services for resource creation, access, manipulation, destruction and as well as managing its lifecycle.

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