Windows Azure Virtual Machines – Stopped doesn’t equal Stopped Deallocated

Windows Azure Virtual Machines – Stopped doesn’t equal Stopped Deallocated

When driving down the street I think we all know what to do when we see a Stop Sign – we know we need to stop the car. 

What happens when you see Stopped as a status for a Windows Azure Virtual Machines?

A little over a month ago Microsoft announced they would no longer charge for a Stopped Virtual Machine.  This came as welcome news as I am sure many of you are like me – have left something on for a few days and received a bill for it. 

What Microsoft introduced was really a new definition of Stopped to go along with the existing process they had in place.

We now have the following two definitions:

  • Stopped
  • Stopped – Deallocated

When you create a Virtual Machine inside Windows Azure you get a Cloud Service to basically host that virtual machine role.  You can add more than one Virtual Machine to that Cloud Service and would do so to achieve high availability. 

Up until a few days ago, that Cloud Service was always hidden from the Windows Azure Management Portal.  You could see it when you deleted the last virtual machine in the service or using PowerShell.  Now, you can see the services inside the UI – so that should help with the confusion.  The Cloud Service, along with other things, is what gives your Virtual Machine a Virtual IP address (VIP). 

In the pictures below you can see a few of my Virtual Machines and Cloud Services in the Stopped and Stopped Deallocated state. 

What’s the difference between Stopped and Stopped– Deallocated? 

Stopped $$$ – When a virtual machine is stopped you are still being charged for the virtual machine.  You also have the Virtual IP (VIP) address reserved and when you start the machine back up again you will get the same VIP.  This is useful when you must have the same VIP. 

Stopped Deallocated – When a virtual machine is stopped deallocated you are no longer charged for the virtual machine.  The catch is, when you start it back up you might not get the same VIP back again.  You get a message about this when you stop the Virtual Machine.

For all the work I am doing right now, the Stopped Deallocated state works just fine for me. 

See below on how to get your Virtual Machine into a Stopped or Stopped Deallocated state.

How to Stop a Virtual Machine ($$$)

  • PowerShell
    • Stop-AzureVM -Name $VirtualMachineName -ServiceName $ServiceName –StayProvisioned (StayProvisioned  is new in PowerShell as of 06/13)
  • Selecting Shut Down while logged into the Virtual Machine
    • Example:<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/swt003-sql01/deployments/swt003-sql01/roleInstances/swt003-sql01/Operations

How to Stop – Deallocate a Virtual Machine (Money Saver!!!!)

  • PowerShell
    • Stop-AzureVM -Name $VirtualMachineName -ServiceName $ServiceName –Force (Note if you don’t use –Force you get an annoying confirmation popup)
  • Using the Windows Azure Management Portal
    • You will get a confirmation informing you the Virtual IP will be released

Please post if I have missed any other ways to stop a Virtual Machine.

How are you using Windows Azure Virtual Machines?  Does the Stopped Deallocated state work for you?


Need a single server BizTalk Environment on Azure IaaS? Just give this a click!

This script comes after days and days of trial and error.  During the course of building this script I learned a lot about PowerShell Remoting, PowerShell Scheduled Tasks (which run in some other process by the way), PowerShell Background Tasks, Scheduled Tasks and Remote Desktop.

I am pleased to announce a new, true one click end-to-end Single BizTalk Server deployment script. 

Download the Create and Remove Single BizTalk Server PowerShell script. (Right click, Save as)

Why all is issues?  Well, Jeremie wrote it up well and developed his own one-click process.  He went about it a much better way I would say but I needed something that worked with the BizTalk Provisioning Tool in order to get it into a multi-server build out (coming soon).  The core issue is with Configure.exe that shows a message box, thus needs a user to be logged in.  I tried many different ways to spoof a user being logged in without any luck.

First off, I should say I was VERY creative when creating this script.  I am not saying this is the best way to solve the problem nor is it pretty in any way.  It is “hacky” but it gets the job done in about 22 minutes.  I just used the script today to spin up 2 BizTalk groups for a Service Bus Demo so I find it helpful.    I used a few other blog posts and tools in the process.  I tried to reference them in the scripts. 

Here is what the script does:

  1. Create VM and open the HTTP port (easy part)
    1. Creates an Affinity Group
    2. Creates a Storage Account
    3. Creates a Service
    4. Creates a VM
  2. Via Remote PowerShell
    1. Download a bunch of helper files to the VM (you can see them in the script)
    2. Update values in the helper configuration files
    3. Create a Scheduled Task to run when the user logs in
  3. Call remote desktop on the local computer to log in (be careful not to close the window by accident – it logs off when done)
  4. Scheduled task will configure BizTalk using the BizTalk Provisioning Tool
  5. Via Remote PowerShell
    1. Poll for the configuration to be complete
    2. Once done, install BizTalk360 (Bonus!!!  And it’s available on the open HTTP port)
    3. Remove scheduled task
  6. Local clean up on client machine

The script will tell you the time it ran and the URL to access BizTalk 360 after installation.  BizTalk 360 is a great addition to BizTalk running in Windows Azure IaaS because it allows for remote, web based administration.  You do need to get a free 14-day trial key. 

The default user name is demouser and password is “Biztalk01”.  You can use that to access the Virtual Machine using remote desktop or BizTalk 360.

Love to hear any feedback, hopefully a few success stories, and how anyone else has overcome the issues with Configure.exe.

Watch for the multi-server configuration script, giving a full end to end BizTalk domain, in a week or so.


Create Single BizTalk Server Raw PowerShell Script

# True One-click end-to-end BizTalk360 setup
# Script by Stephen W. Thomas -
# Get the latest scripts at
# Version 1.0.0  July 15th, 2013
$baseVMName = 'SWT1234'                              # UPDATE - this needs to be globally unique, like initials and 4 random numbers
$subscriptionName = 'ANAME'                          # UPDATE - this is your subscription name 
$dataCenter = 'West US'                              # UPDATE - datecenter to use from Get-AzureLocation
$adminUserName = 'demouser'     #Admin user name
$password = 'Biztalk01'     # Admin password
$size = 'Large'     # The size of the VM to create
$imageBTSEval = '2cdc6229df6344129ee553dd3499f0d3__BizTalk-Server-2013-Evaluation'     # BizTalk 2013 Evaluation disk 
$setupDir = "C:\BizTalkGurus"     # Local File path
$vmnameBT360 = "$baseVMName-bt"     # This will be the Service and VM name
$affinityGroup = "$baseVMName-ag"     # This is the Affinity Group name
$storageAccount = $baseVMName + "store"     # This is the storage account name
# --- No changes are needed below this line ---
# From
# To Automate Remote Powershell
function InstallWinRMCert($serviceName, $vmname)
    $winRMCert = (Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -Name $vmname | select -ExpandProperty vm).DefaultWinRMCertificateThumbprint
    $AzureX509cert = Get-AzureCertificate -ServiceName $serviceName -Thumbprint $winRMCert -ThumbprintAlgorithm sha1
    $certTempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    Write-Host $certTempFile
    $AzureX509cert.Data | Out-File $certTempFile
    # Target The Cert That Needs To Be Imported
    $CertToImport = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $certTempFile
    $store = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store "Root", "LocalMachine"
    Remove-Item $certTempFile
$startTime = get-date
"Starting at $startTime"
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName -CurrentStorageAccount $storageAccount
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
New-AzureAffinityGroup -Name $affinityGroup -Location $dataCenter -ErrorAction Stop
"Affinity Group Created"
New-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storageAccount -Label "BizTalk Eval Storage" -AffinityGroup $affinityGroup -ErrorAction Stop
"Storage Account Created"
# Make sure all the Services are running
Start-Sleep -s 20
# BizTalk Evaluation Configuration
$MyVM1 = New-AzureVMConfig -name $vmnameBT360 -InstanceSize $size -ImageName $imageBTSEval `
    | Add-AzureProvisioningConfig -Windows -AdminUsername $adminUserName -Password $password `
    | Add-AzureEndpoint -Name 'HTTP' -LocalPort 80 -PublicPort 80 -Protocol tcp
New-AzureVM -ServiceName $vmnameBT360 -AffinityGroup $affinityGroup -VMs $MyVM1 -WaitForBoot
"Virtual Machine Created"
# Give all the servies time to start
Start-Sleep -s 20
# Remote PowerShell Details
# Create the Credentials for Remote PowerShell
$strPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($adminUserName, $strPassword)
$uriBT360 = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $vmnameBT360 -Name $vmnameBT360 
InstallWinRMCert $vmnameBT360 $vmnameBT360
"Installed Certificate"
Invoke-Command -ConnectionUri $uriBT360.ToString() -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
    param($vmnameBT360, $adminUserName, $password)
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
    $setupDir = "C:\BizTalkGurus"
    if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($setupDir)) { Remove-Item $setupDir -Force -Recurse }
        mkdir $setupDir;
    # Download Needed Files for BizTalk Multi-Server Configuration
    $remoteUriConfig = ""
    $fileNameConfig = "$setupDir\multinodeconfigDemo_o.xml"
    $webClientConfig = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webClientConfig.DownloadFile($remoteUriConfig, $fileNameConfig)   
    # Download Needed Files for Running PowerShell
    $remoteUriHelper = ""
    $fileNameHelper = "$setupDir\StartPowershell.exe"
    $webClientHelper = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webClientHelper.DownloadFile($remoteUriHelper, $fileNameHelper)   
    # Download Needed Files for PowerShell
    $remoteUriPowerShell = ""
    $fileNamePowerShell = "$setupDir\RunLocalClient.ps1"
    $webClientPowerShell = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webClientPowerShell.DownloadFile($remoteUriPowerShell, $fileNamePowerShell)
    # Download Needed Files for RDHelper
    $remoteUriRDHelper = ""
    $fileNameRDHelper = "$setupDir\RunBizTalkTask_o.xml"
    $webClientRDHelper = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webClientRDHelper.DownloadFile($remoteUriRDHelper, $fileNameRDHelper) 
    # Update wtih computer and user information
    $configFileTask = Get-Content("$setupDir\RunBizTalkTask_o.xml")
    $configFileTask = $configFileTask.Replace("COMPUTERNAME", $vmnameBT360);
    $configFileTask = $configFileTask.Replace("USERACCOUNT", $adminUserName);
    $configFileTask | out-File "$setupDir\RunBizTalkTask.xml" -Encoding ascii
    # Update wtih computer and user information
    $configFile = Get-Content("$setupDir\multinodeconfigDemo_o.xml")
    $configFile = $configFile.Replace("COMPUTERNAME", $vmnameBT360);
    $configFile = $configFile.Replace("USERACCOUNT", $adminUserName);
    $configFile = $configFile.Replace("USERPASSWORD", $password);
    $configFile | out-file "C:\BizTalk_Provisioning\multinodeconfigDemo.xml" -Encoding utf8
    iex "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /Create /XML:$setupDir\RunBizTalkTask.xml /TN:ConfigBizTalk"
} -ArgumentList $vmnameBT360, $adminUserName, $password
"Remote PowerShell on Client is complete"
# Give the services time to start
Start-Sleep -s 20
# End here to just create the BizTalk VM.  Configuration will happen once you log in.  
# Ensure to remove the Scheduled Task once configuration completes.  It takes about 10 minutes.
# Get Remote Desktop helper locally
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($setupDir)) { Remove-Item $setupDir -Force -Recurse }
    mkdir $setupDir;
# Download Needed Files for Remote Desktop automation
$remoteUriRDP = ""
$fileNameRDP = "$setupDir\rdp.exe"
$webClientRDP = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$webClientRDP.DownloadFile($remoteUriRDP, $fileNameRDP)   
# Get the port for the RDP End Point
$drpPort = (Get-AzureVM –ServiceName $vmnameBT360 –Name $vmnameBT360 | Get-AzureEndpoint | Where-Object {$_.Name.contains('RDP')}).Port
# From
iex "$fileNameRDP /v:$$drpPort /u:$adminUserName /p:$password /h:1 /w:1"
"Local Remote Desktop complete"
# Cleanup
Invoke-Command -ConnectionUri $uriBT360.ToString() -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {
    $setupDir = "C:\BizTalkGurus"
    $doneFile = "$setupDir\done.txt"
    while (!(Test-Path -Path $doneFile)) {
        "Waiting for process to complete ..."
        Start-Sleep -s 30
    iex "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe /Delete /TN:ConfigBizTalk /F"
    # Install BizTalk 360 after Configuration
    $remoteUri = ""
    $setupDir = "C:\BizTalk360\";C:\BizTalk360\Kovai.BizTalk360.EasyInstaller.exe"/silent true"/hide true"Script run time " + ($endTime - $startTime)You can access BizTalk360 at http://$"User name is $adminUserName and the password is $password"
    if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($setupDir)) { Remove-Item $setupDir -Force -Recurse }
        mkdir $setupDir;
    $fileName = "
    $webClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
    $webClient.DownloadFile($remoteUri, $fileName) 
    $Arguments = @()
    $Arguments += "
    $Arguments += "
    start-process C:\BizTalk360\Kovai.BizTalk360.EasyInstaller.exe -wait -windowstyle Hidden -ArgumentList $Arguments
# Cleanup local
Remove-Item $setupDir -Force -Recurse 
$endTime = get-date

Remove Single BizTalk Server PowerShell Script

# True One-click end-to-end BizTalk360 setup
# Full cleanup script - requires PowerShell release 06.03 (from June 3rd, 2013) or better.
# Script by Stephen W. Thomas -
# Get the latest scripts at
# Version 1.0.0  July 15th, 2013

$baseVMName = 'SWT1234'                 # UPDATE - this needs to be globally unique, like initials and 4 random numbers
$subscriptionName = 'ANAME'             # UPDATE - this is your subscription name 

Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName $subscriptionName

$vmnameBT360 = "$baseVMName-bt"
$affinityGroup = "$baseVMName-ag"
$storageAccount = $baseVMName + "store"

Stop-AzureVM -Name $vmnameBT360 -ServiceName $vmnameBT360 -StayProvisioned $false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-AzureVM -Name $vmnameBT360 -ServiceName $vmnameBT360 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-AzureService -ServiceName $vmnameBT360 -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$hasDisk = Get-AzureDisk | Where-Object {$_.DiskName.contains("$vmnameBT360")}

# Delete the disks
do {
    "Waiting to try to remove the disk"
    Start-Sleep -s 30
    Get-AzureDisk | Where-Object {$_.DiskName.contains("$vmnameBT360")} | Remove-AzureDisk -DeleteVHD -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $hasDisk = Get-AzureDisk | Where-Object {$_.DiskName.contains("$vmnameBT360")}
} while($hasDisk)

# Give is a few seconds
Start-Sleep -s 15

# Remove the storage account
Remove-AzureStorageAccount -StorageAccountName $storageAccount

# Give is a few seconds
Start-Sleep -s 15

# Remove the Affinity Group
Remove-AzureAffinityGroup -Name $affinityGroup

Using SendGrid with BizTalk360 for Easy Emails on IaaS

Using SendGrid with BizTalk360 for Easy Emails on IaaS

Last week BizTalk360 announced a new one-click installation process that works great for BizTalk running in Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). 

This can be used to set up a stand-alone single server BizTalk environment in a short amount of time.  One of the key features of BizTalk360 is the ability to send alert emails based on criteria you specify.  Sending emails on a isolated environment in Azure may be a challenge due to no SMTP Server. 

Never fail!  SendGrid has a super easy and free solution to this problem.  Just sign up for the free account as an Add-On inside the Windows Azure Management Portal.

SendGrid’s current offer is for 25,000 free email per month!  This should last you a while.  SendGrid offer the ability to easily send email via SMTP, .Net, or even a REST API – all using their SMTP server. 

Once you have your account details and have installed BizTalk360, simply go to Settings.  Under Monitoring and Notification – SMTP Settings simply enter your SendGrid account details. 

Click the Verify button to have a test email sent to your account.  It is that easy.

Using SendGrid with any Windows Azure application looks to be a great solution for sending email.  

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 in Windows Azure IaaS TechEd Session Online

The session I presented at TechEd 2013 North American on Windows Azure IaaS and BizTalk Server 2013 is now online!

I cover the new MSDN Benefits, using BizTalk with IaaS, creating a new Azure Virtual Machine Multi-Server Domain, and review some sample scenarios that are now possible with the pay-per-hour model.

I am still working on some better PowerShell scripts to automate the domain creation.  I am about 90% of the way along.  I will post them shortly when they are better optimized.  If you want my draft scripts just drop me an email.

If you missed me at TechEd US, I’ll be giving the same session at TechEd Europe in Madrid!  Hope to see you there.

Windows Azure Virtual Machine Announcements from TechEd US

Today in the key note at TechEd US Scott Guthrie made some exciting announcements related to Windows Azure Virtual Machines.

Here are the highlights:

  • Stopped Virtual Machines will no longer be charged
  • Billing will now be pay per minute rather than by the hour
  • MSDN Software for BizTalk, Visual Studios, SQL, SharePoint, etc. can now be ran on the Windows Azure Virtual Machines for Dev. / Test scenarios.  This means you can create your own custom corporate images if you do not want to use the pre-built ones.
  • MSDN users now get discounted Virtual Machine and other service rates across the board
    • 33% off basic Windows 2012 VM
    • 90% off SQL and BizTalk Standard Edition now $0.06 per hour
    • 97% off SQL and BizTalk Enterprise now only $0.06 per hour
  • Free trial accounts now get a $200 service credit per month (but do not get discounted service prices as best I can tell)

Note that in order to get the new pricing credit and discounted VM pricing you need to sing up for a new MSDN Azure Account or migrate your existing subscriptionJust log into your account and go to Subscriptions to migrate. 

While this might be a little confusing at first, this is a huge upgrade to an already great service offering.

I would love to hear your opinion on these changes.

First Look at a Windows Azure Bill for BizTalk Server 2013

With the release of BizTalk Server 2013 on Windows Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) we have a new way to license BizTalk Server.  We can now license BizTalk Standard and Enterprise on a pay per hour basis.  This opens up a wide range of opportunities for dealing with short lived and bursting scenarios.

What does I bill using these pay per hour features look like?  See below. 

I used 3 hours of both a Standard and Enterprise edition of BizTalk Server. 

Using the pay per hour model is currently only supported using the pre-built images.  So if you wanted to have pay per hour Virtual Machines already connected to a BizTalk Group, you could create a new Virtual Machine using the pay-per-hour image and then join it to your group.  Once joined, Delete the Virtual Machine.  If you need that Virtual Machine back again, just create the Virtual Machine using that Disk.  This way you are up and running in about 3 minutes and only changed for the storage space until you need the extra processing ability.

Is anyone using BizTalk in IaaS now in a pay-per-hour basis?

Help! I Cannot Attach My Azure Data Disk to my Windows Azure Virtual Machine

Windows Azure Virtual Machines are the new IaaS offering from Windows Azure that allows for Virtual Machines in the Cloud.  Using Windows Azure Virtual Machines you have the ability to add additional Data Disks in addition to your core Operating System Disk to your Virtual Machines.  The number of disks you can add depends on the size of your Virtual Machine and range from 1 for an Extra Small VM to 16 for an Extra Large VM. 

Data disks should be used for installing all your program files used on the Virtual Machines.  In general, the Cache level should be set to Read Only to ensure optimal disk performance.  Each data disk can get up to 500 IOPS (Input / Output Operations per Second).  So as you can see spreading things out over more Data Disks should be able to boost IO throughput.

This brings me to the main point of this post – how to add a Data Disk to a Virtual Machine.  To do so, select the Virtual Machine inside the Management Portal and hover over the Attach link on the bottom.  If you have a Disk available to be attached, you will see an option to Attach A Disk or Attach Empty Disk.  Use the Attach Empty Dish to create a new Data Disk.  If you already have an uploaded VHD and want to attach it as a Data Disk, you must first go to the DISKS tab and create a Disk for the VHD.

What can get confusing is WHY any existing disk might not be able to be added to a Virtual Machine.

I have found four reasons why an existing Disk cannot be added to a Virtual Machine and two of them are not very obvious using the Portal.

The reasons you cannot add an existing Disk include:

  • It is being used by another Virtual Machine
  • You have reached the limit of adding Disks to your Virtual Machine
  • The Disk is created in a different data center / location than your Virtual Machine (view this on the DISK tab)
  • The Disk is created using a different subscription than the Virtual Machine (view this on the DISK tab)

Have you found any other reasons you cannot attach an existing Disk?

Hope this helps someone stuck trying to add a Data Disk to a Windows Azure Virtual Machine.

Windows Azure IaaS and Creating a New Azure Virtual Machine Video

I have put together a quick 10 minute video that introduced Windows Azure IaaS and walks you through creating your first Windows Azure Virtual Machine! 

I put a lot of time into adding cool animations and fun dialog, or so I think.


Download this video from or view on YouTube.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Tricks for Deleting Windows Azure Virtual Machines via the REST API

While I call this post “tricks” for deleting a Windows Azure Virtual Machine it really is not a trick.  It does require a little deeper understanding of how Windows Azure creates and hosts Virtual Machines in order to use the REST API to delete them.

Let us start with some background.  When you use the Windows Azure Portal to create a new Virtual Machine, a hidden service is created for you that will host the virtual machine role.  This will allow more than one Role (i.e. Virtual Machine) to be connected to this service to allow for the automatic round-robin of calls made to the exposed ports.

Below is a list of the Services in one of my Azure Account.

Using the REST API to list all Services, I see that not all of the services returned are shown on the screen in the portal.  The service named Test0206D is not listed inside the portal.

      <Description>Implicitly created hosted service2013-02-07 01:20</Description>
      <Location>West US</Location>
      <ExtendedProperties />

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In this case the Description clearly tells us this was created for us and when.  When we delete a Virtual Machine, the service will start to show up inside the portal.  If you never want to deploy a new Virtual Machine to that service again, it can be deleted.  Otherwise, keeping the service allows the DNS Name to be reserved and allows a new Virtual Machine Role to be added to this service at a later point. 

In order to Add a new Role (i.e. Virtual Machine) to an existing service, use the From Gallery option to create the Virtual Machine. Then, on step 4, Virtual Machine mode, select the Connect To An Existing Virtual Machine option. You will get a drop down of available options.

This background leads to the reason it might be tricky to delete a Virtual Machine using the REST API.

To Delete a stand-alone Virtual Machine

In an earlier blog post I listed the way to delete a Virtual Machine was to do an HTTP DELETE to the following URL.<Subscription-ID>/services/hostedservices/<Service-Name>/deploymentslots/Production

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While this work, it only works in the case of a strand-alone Virtual Machine.  If you do not know if the Virtual Machine is stand-along or attached, do an HTTP GET to the URL above.  If you only have one <Role> element than it is a stand-alone Virtual Machine.

To Delete a Virtual Machine that is attached to another Virtual Machine

In order to Delete a Virtual Machine that is part of another service, you need to Remove the PersistentVMRole.  This is done by an HTTP DELETE to the following URL.<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<service-name>/deployments/<deployment-name>/roles/<vm-name>

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The service name and virtual machine name are straight forward but the deployment name is tricky.  The deployment name is usually the Service Name but it can also be the name of the first virtual machine you put into the service.  To find out for sure, do an HTTP GET to the following URL to get the details of the service deployment.<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<service-name>/deploymentslots/Production

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This will return an XML response that looks like the following.

<Deployment xmlns="" xmlns:i="">

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.csharpcode .preproc { color: #cc6633; }
.csharpcode .asp { background-color: #ffff00; }
.csharpcode .html { color: #800000; }
.csharpcode .attr { color: #ff0000; }
.csharpcode .alt
background-color: #f4f4f4;
width: 100%;
margin: 0em;
.csharpcode .lnum { color: #606060; }

The Name element is the name of the Deployment. 

In summary, a single call can be made to delete a stand-alone Virtual Machine.  For scenarios that join several Virtual Machines together inside a single service it takes a deeper understanding of that service’s properties in order to remove a Virtual Machine from that service.

Looking for a simple tool to work with the Windows Azure REST APIs?  I have a free tool here that greatly simplifies making REST calls.

BizTalk Server 2013 Image Available on Windows Azure Virtual Machines

Windows Azure Virtual Machines now has a pre-built image for BizTalk Server 2013.  This will enable you to get up and running with BizTalk 2013 in just a few minutes.  Configuration is needed once you create a new virtual machine using this image.

The pre-built Image includes the following:

  • Windows Server 2012
  • SQL 2012
  • Visual Studios 2012 Professional RC (I think this does not support the Windows Azure SDK)
  • BizTalk 2013 Beta Enterprise Edition

I was able to create a new virtual machine using this image and configure BizTalk.  The Rules Engine failed to configure, but I did not look into why.

Let me know if you run into any issues with the Image.