Most developers start working with Logic Apps through Azure Portal, because it’s fast and direct. You just open the Portal, create your resource and start working. This is fine but it comes with a cost. There are several limitations to what you can do, specially when it comes to CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery).
To handle this, there is the need to move to Visual Studio and start working from there. For this to happen, you need tools to help you and there’s a few available. In this post, I will approach a very good one and how to use it.
This tool is a collection of powershell scripts that will download to file your Logic App code and it also can create a parameters file.
The creator of this collection is Jeff Hollan, PM Lead for Microsoft. You can check his work at his GitHub repo.
The project that we’re going to use is LogicAppTemplateCreator. It’s a C# project that creates a DLL and that we will import and use.
I dropped into a Shared folder, because I’ve referenced it in a Repo for other people to consume in our projects, but this is not necessary, although I recommend it so that it becomes easier for future developers in your company.
After executing this, you’ll be ready to download your ARM template. So, get your Resource Group ID, you Subscription ID and prepare an output folder. You will also need to enter your credentials to login by powershell.
The script should be changed according to your IDs. Do note that it should not be case sensitive. If you don’t set the Out-File, the output will be set in the powershell console, you’ll still be able to copy it and paste in a file, but it’s an unnecessary step.
You will now have both files you need to manage your Logic App, so just copy them to your VS Azure Resource Group project, with Logic Apps Template and you’re almost ready to go.
You will need to address the path links in the JSON code to make them CI/CD-able and fix the parameters in some connectors, but there’s not a lot of work to be done.
As you can see, the ARM template already provides all connection parameters and connections variables. I do recommend you changed them to a more appropriate naming convention like “arm_O365”, “arm_SQL” or “arm_ServiceBus”. This way you will know what it’s referring to with a very understandable pattern.
At the end of the day, your Logic App should be ready for deployment in your subscriptions and look something like this:
We’ve all been through it. A few days ago, I accidentally deleted a Logic App when working for a customer.
I was working on migrating from the Portal resources to a Visual Studio solution, because CI/CD is being implemented.
Luckily it was the Dev environment, but still, there was some developments that I hadn’t migrated yet! Hours of work were lost! Or then again, maybe not.
After some research I found out that there’s no way of recovering or rollback a deleted Logic App. There’s some documentation to recover an App Service but no actual mentions to LAs.
Suggestions have been made in Azure Feedback, but so far, no replies.
So, how exactly do you recover a deleted Logic App?
Well, you have to dig a little bit and do some magic, but you will end up with a working Logic App after this.
Let’s work!
First, you must navigate to the Activity Log of your Resource Group.
There, you will find the last operations executed. This may not be easy, in this example I only have a few operations, but in the client tenant, I had to scavenge through a few days of logs.
Once you find the correct deleted workflow AKA Logic App, you open it and check the Change History. This should in preview but it will be life boat.
The “deleted resource” contains the JSON code and it is what we’re looking for. Although it requires a bit of magic dust to clean the data that’s in it, it does contain the most recent code you had. Migrating this to a new Logic App, either in Portal using Code View or in a VS solution, this is the best way to recover your little mistake.
The end result, should look like this:
And your Logic App should be ready to run!
It may not be the best way to get this nor the fastest, but it works and there’s no proper documentation for this. Hopefully, Microsoft will release a more convenient way to get your deleted code.
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Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
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Hooking Stuffs Together | My learning logs from day to day work experience about Integration platform using Microsoft technologies.
Hooking Stuffs Together | My learning logs from day to day work experience about Integration platform using Microsoft technologies.
Do you feel difficult to keep up to date on all the frequent updates and announcements in the Microsoft Integration platform and Azure iPaaS?
Integration weekly update can be your solution. It’s a weekly update on the topics related to Integration – enterprise integration, robust & scalable messaging capabilities and Citizen Integration capabilities empowered by Microsoft platform to deliver value to the business.