BizTalk Server 2016: How to configure the MQ Series Adapter for low latency scenarios whitepaper
Surprisingly enough, or not, legacy systems can still be found across many organizations. IBM MQ is a family of message-oriented middleware products that IBM launched in December 1993. It was called MQSeries initially and was renamed WebSphere MQ in 2002 to join the suite of WebSphere products. In April 2014, it was renamed to IBM MQ.
We can mainly see the use and the need for integration with these products in banks systems. BizTalk Server provides two ways to communicate with IBM MQ:
- By using the MQSeries built-in adapter that will act as a bridge between Microsoft BizTalk Server and IBM MQSeries servers:
- The MQSeries adapter is available with the BizTalk Server installation. It supports transactional and non-transactional messaging by setting the Transaction Supported property in the MQSeries adapter transport properties
- The MQSeries adapter uses the MQSAgent2 COM+ application to put/get messages into the IBM WebSphere Queue Manager
- The MQSeries adapter requires IBM’s MQSeries Server for Windows to reside on the client system to communicate with an IBM WebSphere Queue Manager running on Windows or non-Windows. MQSeries Server for Windows is not a Microsoft product and must be obtained from your IBM WebSphere MQ program
- By using the Host Integration Server (HIS) that provides a WCF Channel for MQ and BizTalk Adapter for MQ Series Client (MQSC) — depending on the version of BizTalk Server you are using that will support a variety of IBM WebSphere versions:
- HIS 2020: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/host-integration-server/install-and-config-guides/system-requirements-2020
- HIS 2016: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/host-integration-server/install-and-config-guides/system-requirements
- The MQSC adapter is a light-weight component of MQ that does not require the MQSeries Queue Manager run-time code to reside on a client system. The MQSC adapter is available in the BizTalk Adapters for Host Systems installation part of Host Integration Server (HIS). This adapter can connect to an IBM WebSphere Queue Manager on Windows or non-Windows. It also supports transactional and non-transactional messaging
This whitepaper’s goal is not how to install and configure MQSeries, neither compare the advantages or disadvantages of using this adapter compared to MQSC. Instead, this whitepaper’s focus is on improving the performance of the MQSeries adapter to better support low latency scenarios that most of the time are required in financial transactions.
Where I can download it
You can download the whitepaper here:
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