First Look Screen Shots of Microsoft’s Modeling Platform – Oslo

Make sure you check out the video content on Oslo available on

First Look at Quadrant – Oslo’s Modeling Tool

First Look at M – Oslo’s Modeling Language

Oslo is the codename for Microsoft’s Modeling Platform.  The end goal of Oslo is to increase productivity by promoting the use of model-driven applications.

Oslo is composed of three pieces: a Tool, a Language, and a Repository.  In this blog post, I will share some features and screen shots of the tool and language. 

The Tool for Oslo is called Quadrant.  Quadrant is a universal modeling UI with robust features.  The main windows is called a workspace.  You can have multiple workspaces open at any given time.  Single windows open inside a workspace are called a workpad.

Below is a picture of Quadrant with a workpad open in the workspace. 

(Click picture to enlarge)

Quadrant has a top level ribbon bar much like Word.  This is shown below.

(Click picture to enlarge)

In the bottom left of the main Quadrant windows, you have an Explorer button and Search Box.

The Explorer window expands as items are selected with the sub-results displayed to the right.  A hand with 5 fingers shows how to select items.  Scrolling is identified by a mini-scroll bar to the right of the hand.  To add new items to the workspace, move to the left icon of the items you want to add.  The hand will turn to 3 fingers.  Hold the left mouse and drag the items to the workspace.  You can also drag-and-drop from the top ribbon bar as shown below. 

Many models will have relationships to each other.  In these cases, available fields from other models will be show in a populated drop down as seen below.


This should give you a high level overview of the look at feel of Quadrant.

The second key component of Oslo is M – the new Modeling Language.  To code in M you use an awesome, lightweight tool called Intellipad.  Intellipad with a completed model are shown below.

(Click picture to enlarge)

Looking a little like Wordpad, do not be fooled.  This is full featured, complete with red underlines for real time validation.

Going to the M Mode menu on the top toolbar, generating actual SQL based on your model is only a click away.  Below, is the same model with a side by side view of the model and the SQL to generate that model inside SQL Server.

(Click picture to enlarge)

Running this model would produce these results inside SQL Server.

One of the core concepts that make up Oslo is the idea to define models using Domain-Specific Language (DSL).  In fact, using M you can create you own DSL!  Below, you can see how I created a AllMyPets DSL to track the name of my pets.

The third piece of Oslo is the Repository.  This repository is a SQL 2008 Database.  Using a database as the repository allows for easy access to the stored data and a way to share it.  Security, backups, and scaling are all included using SQL Server.  This will not be covered in any more detail in this blog post.

Make sure you check out these other Oslo Resources:
Oslo – PDC-08 CSD Bits Review

MSDN Oslo Dev Center

Models Remixed

Videos on Modeling (Oslo), Windows Application Server (Dublin), and .Net 4.0 Workflow

Today is a great day to be a BizTalk Developer! Why? Microsoft has introduced .Net 4.0, Windows Application Server (Dublin), and Microsoft’s Modeling Platform (Oslo).  These new technologies compliment the existing Connection System technologies.

As you look though the various technologies one thing is consistent: Take the best things of BizTalk and allow others outside of BizTalk to leverage it!

I’ve put together over an hour of first look videos to help show the new features of Microsoft’s latest offerings.

The following videos are now available on

First Look at Windows Application Server (Dublin) – If you do not watch anything else, watch this video! This video takes a look at the new Windows Application Server features. It shows how to export existing applications and import them into another host on another server, how to set variables inside Workflow 4.0 to be tracked, how to create a custom tracking profile, and how to configure your service to use this custom profile. (Download WMV)

First Look at Quadrant – Oslo’s Modeling Tool -This video is a quick overview of the new modeling tool Quadrant. It walks though the basic user experience. It shows how to work with and edit exiting models, drop workpads onto the workflow surface, add and edit data, and edit existing models. (Download WMV)

First Look at M – Oslo’s Modeling Language – This video walks though creating a simple model using the new M Modeling Language. A simple Domain-Specific Language (DSL) model is also looked at. How often do you get to see a new language? (Download WMV)

Consuming WCF Services in Workflow 4.0 – This video takes a quick look at the new designer experience for Workflow 4.0 inside Visual Studios 10. A simple application is created to communicate with an existing WCF Service. This demonstrates the new interface for Workflow and WCF interactions. (Download WMV)

Flowcharts and Rules in Workflow 4.0 – This video walks though creating an application using the new Flowchart style of workflow. Inside the flowchart workflow, the new Workflow 4.0 Rules are used to evaluate input data. (Download WMV)

It is important to point out that these sets of technologies are not designed to replace BizTalk but rather enhance the rest of the framework. BizTalk still serves a mission critical need as the Microsoft Integration Server and Adapter provider.

Have fun and enjoy!