by Eldert Grootenboer | Mar 26, 2018 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Last Saturday was the second edition of the Global Integration Bootcamp, and we can certainly say it was another big hit! In total we had 15 locations in 12 countries running the Bootcamp, and about 600 participants including the speakers.
Locations all over the world
This is an amazing achievement, and I would like to thank all the local organizers, and of course my fellow global organizers.
The global organizers
We started preparations for the bootcamp shortly after finishing last year’s, taking the lessons learned to make this year’s edition even better. This meant a lot of Skype calls, even more communication on Slack and WhatsApp, and coming together whenever we could meet, like during Integrate and the MVP Summit.
Meeting with the organizers
One of the lessons we learned from last year, was to set up the labs differently. Where we had a continuous series of labs last year, where the output of one lab was the input for the next, we found this was not optimal. Some people indicated they got stuck on one of the labs, which meant they could not continue with the other labs as well. That’s why we decided to create stand-alone labs this year, so people could decide for themselves which labs they wanted to do, and could continue on another lab if they got stuck. Creating labs is a lot of work, which means we can only create a limited amount of labs, which is why we also decided to link to labs and tutorials already created by MS and the community, making sure everyone could find something they like. We also decided to put all the labs up on GitHub, where they will remain, so anyone can use them and adjust them. This helped a lot with reviews of the labs as well, as the reviewers could now easily fix any mistakes they found.
Hard work on preparing the labs paid off
While we were creating the labs, we also started getting the word out there, first for onboarding new locations and after that for promoting the locations as well. During this time we coordinating with locations, helping out where we could, and making sure everyone knew what was expected from them. It’s always great to see how active this community is, and how people are always willing to help each other, whether it be by sharing content, bringing speakers and locations in contact with each other, or gathering ideas around sponsoring and locations.
Already a lot of buzz going on before the event started
And then it was March 24th, the day of the Global Integration Bootcamp! Once again it started in Auckland, and went around the world until it finished in Chicago.
Auckland kicking of Global Integration Bootcamp 2018
It was great how to see Twitter full of pictures, showing all these locations where people are learning all about integration and Azure, and people having fun following the sessions and working on the labs.
Full house in Helsinki
Rotterdam in full swing
If you want to have a full immersion of the day, check this Twitter Moments set up by Wagner Silveira, or these blogposts by Gijs in ‘t Veld and Bill Chesnut. Also remember, if you attended the Global Integration Bootcamp, there are several offers available from our sponsors!
Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey, we also have some clear insights in what people liked, and how we can improve. In general, people are very happy with the Global Integration Bootcamp, so that is amazing!
Looking at what people told us they liked best, I’m glad to see people seem to be really happy about the content, the speakers and the labs, as well as the possibilities Azure is giving us.
We already decided we will keep this going, so expect another Global Integration Bootcamp next year! It will be on a Saturday again, as we see this still is the favorite day for most people. Thanks again to everyone who helped us make this possible once again, whether you were an organizer, a speaker or an attendee, we can’t do this without all of you!
by Eldert Grootenboer | Jul 6, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Last week, June 26th to 28th, Integrate 2017 was once again held in London. This is the largest integration centered event, and a great way to have fun with the community, see amazing sessions, and get to meet the product groups. I have been to these events since the beginning, and have seen it grow into one of the best events around.
Last year at Integrate, we got introduced to the vision of Hybrid Integration, a way of seamlessly integrating across the cloud and on-premises. This year, what we saw was a matured vision, with all the bits and pieces falling into place, and giving us the tools to build great solutions. I think Microsoft made a good bet on this, as we see more and more of these hybrid integrations being built at our customers, where some of the data or logic will remain on premises, but they do want to leverage the power and flexibility of Azure.
The Microsoft teams as well as the MVP’s had very engaging sessions, which truly inspired people to get their hands on all the parts of the hybrid platform.
I always love seeing the sessions, getting the latest information, and being inspired, but the best part of these events to me is the interaction with the community. I think we have one of the best communities around, and so it’s great to catch up with old friends from around the globe, and of course making a lot of new friends as well. I recommend anyone to visit one of these events for themselves, and just say hi to people you do not know yet. People are always willing to have a chat, share their inspiration and experiences, and catch a beer afterwards.
And for those who can’t wait another year for Integrate, there’s good news, as we will be having an Integrate in Redmond, on October 25th to 27th. If you could not come to London, or just can’t get enough of Integrate and our amazing community, be sure to come. I’m looking forward to seeing you there, so come and say hi.
As one of the global organizers of the Global Integration Bootcamp, I am proud to say we have also presented next year’s version of this global event. We will be holding GIB2018 on March 24th 2018, if you want to host your own location just drop us a line. The website will be updated soon, but you can already find our contact details there.
Of course, I am not the only one posting about this year’s amazing Integrate, there are already a couple of great recaps out there, here are some you cannot miss.
Kent Weare
Daniel Toomey
Wagner Silveira
by Steef-Jan Wiggers | Mar 26, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Success has many fathers and with the Global Integration Bootcamp that is a fact. Organizers, speakers, companies hosting the event, the Microsoft Pro-Integration Team, and above all the attendees. This global event showed how passionate, strong and active this integration community is!
The Event
During the Global Integration Bootcamp at the Dutch location at motion10 in Rotterdam I did a few interviews with fellow organizers of this amazing event:
The motion10 has an amazing view over Rotterdam, which you can see in two of the video interviews.
In case you like to learn more about the history and how this great event came its tremedous success do read these two excellent posts:
Start of the day
In holland we kicked of at motion10 HQ at the same time as some of the other locations in Europe. Our friends in New Zealand, Australia and India just completed there day.
At motion10 Gijs kick off the day followed by Tomasso presenting on API Management.
After Tomasso session the attendees dive into the first lab. The requirements to do the labs yourself can be found here and the labs will be published soon in an eBook by BizTalk360.
The second session was done by Rob Fox on Hybrid Integration including working with the on-premise gateway.
During the lunch people continued with their labs, followed by the third talk by Eldert, who continued with the hybrid integration story. This story included the connectivity through Logic Apps with on-premise BizTalk Server.
My session, number four, was to showcase some great Azure services like Logic Apps and Azure Functions. It was fun to do as I was able to show my trumpizer demo again.
The final session of the day was about IoT and done by Eldert again.
I am proud to be able to be part of this great event and journey to it. Loved the close collaboration with Eldert, who has been a key factor in organizing this event. His passion and drive is amazing and his recent MVP award is well deserved as it is a crown of his dedicated work for the community. And this something that I like to point out as his mentor. Well done buddy!
Thanks from the Dutch speakers #gib2017 and see you next year at #gib2018!
Author: Steef-Jan Wiggers
Steef-Jan Wiggers is all in on Microsoft Azure, Integration, and Data Science. He has over 15 years’ experience in a wide variety of scenarios such as custom .NET solution development, overseeing large enterprise integrations, building web services, managing projects, designing web services, experimenting with data, SQL Server database administration, and consulting. Steef-Jan loves challenges in the Microsoft playing field combining it with his domain knowledge in energy, utility, banking, insurance, health care, agriculture, (local) government, bio-sciences, retail, travel and logistics. He is very active in the community as a blogger, TechNet Wiki author, book author, and global public speaker. For these efforts, Microsoft has recognized him a Microsoft MVP for the past 6 years. View all posts by Steef-Jan Wiggers
by Eldert Grootenboer | Mar 26, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Yesterday, we held the first Global Integration Bootcamp, an event set up by integration communities around the world. We ended up doing the event in 12 countries, with 16 locations, over 55 speakers and an amazing number of over 650 attendees. Starting in New Zealand, and going around the globe, finally ending in Seattle, this truly has been a global event, bringing the community together.
I am proud to have been one of the organizers and drivers behind this great event, along with my good friends and community leaders, Steef-Jan, Rob, Tomasso, Martin, Gijs, Glenn and Sven.
Back in august, Mandi Ohlinger sent out the following tweet, about the BizTalk Bootcamp which had been done in Charlotte.
The tweet quickly got picked up by the community, to do an event like this in more locations.
We quickly got a core group of people together, with whom we started moving this idea forward, and thus the organization of the Global Integration Bootcamp was formed. After a couple of Skype calls with Mandi and the group in the following weeks, we started to reach out to members of the community to see if we could expand our reach. It became clear that there definitely was a lot of interest for an event like this, starting with around 6 countries, so we started a Slack group, brought up a website, and opened registrations for locations. In the meantime, a lot of work has been going on behind the scenes. A couple of us started working on creating labs for the locations, thinking of a scenario and working this into fun labs, using the technologies Microsoft has given us over the years, like BizTalk, Logic Apps, Service Bus, API Management, On-Premise Data Gateway, IoT Hub and more!
As time progressed, more and more locations started contacting us to join in on the event as well, turning it into a real global event. We also worked closely with the MS Pro Integration product group during our preparations, where Jon arranged some very nice shirts and stickers for all the locations.
And we even got a video from the product group which the locations got to use in the welcome slides, with Jim welcoming everyone to the Global Integration Bootcamp, bringing the global communities even closer together.
Global Integration Bootcamp Welcome Video
And so finally, March 25th was here, and the Global Integration Bootcamp got on the way. As people started in New Zealand, twitter was starting to become busy on the #GIB2017 hashtag, and as the event started going around the globe, positive messages from around the globe started coming in, the Bootcamp was a success!
I got to do 2 sessions myself in Rotterdam, one being on Hybrid Integration using BizTalk, and the other on IoT with Azure, with Steef-Jan, Tomasso, Rob and Gijs doing sessions as well. We had a very nice turn-out, and people had a lot of fun watching the sessions and doing the labs.
Below are some impression of the event, and reactions we had from the attendees, speakers and product group. Looking at the feedback we received, we decided we have to make this an annual event, so be prepared for Global Integration Bootcamp 2018! More information will follow in the coming weeks and months, keeping you up to date as we move forward. Thanks to everyone who helped us make this such a great event, my co-organizers, the locations organizers, the product groups, the attendees, and anyone I may have missed here! I will close this post with some impressions and feedback we got of the event. Be sure to check out the #GIB2017 hashtag on twitter for more, read the blogpost Saravana made about this as well, and join us at Integrate if you want to talk more about this years or next years Global Integration Bootcamp.
by Saravana Kumar | Mar 26, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
The Microsoft BizTalk Server community is one of the long-standing powerful technical communities in the world I’ve seen in an enterprise segment. For many years community members across the world have done numerous events like user group meetings, community gatherings, innovations days etc. This following LinkedIn statement by Tord Glad Nordahl who works as a Program Manager in BizTalk Server team at Microsoft is a testament to the above statement.
What is Global Integration Boot camp?
The idea of Global Integration Boot camp is pretty simple, uniting all the community members in the Microsoft Integration space across the world and conduct a one-day event on the same day.
Beginning of this year a group of people in the community along with Microsoft decided to go ahead with the plan. Hence the birth of Global Integration Boot camp (GIB).
The date was fixed to March 25th 2017 for the first GIB and a Slack group was set up for the core organizers to communicate. As you can see from the below screen shot from Slack there are 61 members in the group who worked behind the scene to make this event a great success.
Out of that 61 people, there are few outstanding contributors (core organising team) whom I wanted to personally acknowledge and thank for their relentless work behind the scene to make this event a grand success Eldert Grootenboer, Sven Van den brande, Rob Fox, Bill Chesnut, Martin Abbott, Dan Toomey, Glenn Colpaert, Lex Hegt, Steef-Jan Wiggers, Wagner Silveira, and all those people who contributed to GIB.
The format of the event is to have 3 to 4 sessions followed by a lab exercise in each location. The session and labs are focused on the following technology stack (all related to Integration)
BizTalk 2016 : BizTalk Server 2016, what’s new, and using the new Logic Apps adapter
Logic Apps : Creating Logic Apps using commonly-used connectors
Service Bus : Build reliable and scalable cloud messaging and hybrid integration solutions
Enterprise Integration Pack : Using the Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP) with Logic Apps
API Management : How does API management help you organize and secure your APIs
On-Premise Gateway : Connecting to on-prem resources using the On-Premise Gateway
Hybrid Integration : Hybrid integrations using BizTalk Server and Logic Apps
Microsoft Flow : Learn to compose flows with Microsoft Flow
Welcome message from Microsoft Product Group
The Microsoft Product Group from Seattle Jim Harrer, Jon Fancey, Tord Glad Nordahl, Kevin Lam, Jeff Hollan, Darek Li has put together this short intro video to GIB
What are the challenges?
Anything you do for the first time is going to raise a great deal of scepticism whether something like this will work? The organisers did a great job of convincing people across different countries, the list started off some 5-6 countries initially and gradually expanded as the event got the moments. For example a couple of locations were added just 2 or 3 weeks before the event date.
The second biggest challenge was securing venues at different places. In majority of the countries the event was conducted at Microsoft venues and in some places the partner organisations provided the space. It’s not just the space, for a whole day event like this there are a lot of logistics need to be addressed like food, drinks, and in some places security staff etc.
The organizers did an excellent job in addressing these challenges and moving forward seamlessly.
Locations, Organisers, Speakers and Sponsors
Following table summarises all the global locations in total 12 countries and 16 locations. Microsoft played an active role across all the locations in helping local sponsors, organisers to make this event a grand success.
Country |
Location |
Organiser |
Speakers |
Sponsors |
Australia |
Brisbane |
- Dan Toomey
- Ashley Knowles
- Lee Simpson
Australia |
Melbourne |
- Bill Chesnut
- Nathan Fernandez
- Sonja Bijou
- Paco de la Cruz
- Tanvir Chowdhury
Australia |
Sydney |
- Rene Brauwers
- Mick Badran
Belgium |
Antwerp |
- Sven Van den brande
- Glenn Colpaert
- Toon Vanhoutte
- Steven Van Eycken
- Glenn Colpaert
- Jochen Toelen
Finland |
Helsinki |
- Karl Ots
- Sami Ovaska
- Teemu Tapanila
India |
Bengaluru |
- Arunkumar Kumaresan
- Sriram Hariharan
- Deepak Rajendran
- Tulika Chaudharie
- Harikharan Krishnaraju
- Shailesh Agre
- Shree Divya
- Sunny Sharma
- Lohith G Nagaraj
- Sajith C P
- Roy Joseph
- Rekha Kodali
United Kingdom |
London |
- Nino Crudele
- Ashwin Prabhu
- Michael Stephenson
- Lex Hegt
- Saffi Ali
New Zealand |
Auckland |
- Wagner Silveira
- Mark Brimble
- Wagner Silveira
- Nikolai Blackie
- James Corbould
- Morten Velling
- Abhishek Kumar
Netherlands |
Rotterdam |
- Microsoft Integration User Group
- Tomasso Groenendijk
- Rob Fox
- Eldert Grootenboer
- Steef-Jan Wiggers
Norway |
Oslo |
Portugal |
Porto |
- Sandro Pereira
- Ricardo Torre
- José António Silva
- Pedro Sousa
- João Ferreira
Spain |
Madrid |
- Mariano Robles
- Carlos Sacristan
- Felix Mondelo
- Felipe Senso
- Ivan Canizares
- Francisco Nieto
Sweden |
Stockholm |
- Johan Hedberg
- Mattias Lögdberg
- Mikael Sand
- Samuel Kastberg
- Alan Smith
- Mikael Håkansson
- BizTalk User Group Sweden
United States |
Chicago |
United States |
New York |
- Mandi Ohlinger
- Howard Edidin
- Stephen Thomas
- Kent Weare
United States |
Seattle |
- Richard Seroter
- Kevin Lam
- Nick Hauenstein
- Jeff Hollan
Interesting Pictures from the event
These pictures shows the depth of the event across various locations 12 countries, 16 locations, 55 speakers and 650+ attendees.
Missed out on GIB? then don’t miss INTEGRATE 2017
If you have missed out all the fun of GIB 2017, then don’t miss out attending INTEGRATE 2017. It’s bigger in scale, all the Microsoft Product Group team and majority of the speakers who participated at GIB 2017 will be present in a single location in London. The registrations are now open for INTEGRATE 2017 and filling super fast.
The post Global Integration Boot camp – a great success story appeared first on BizTalk360.