Always funny returning to an old BizTalk Server solution I did in the past! Today while modifying an existing solution for the first time in 3 years! – you have to love BizTalk Server for that consistency and reliability that is difficult to find in any other platform or service! – I got a weird issue while trying to rebuild the solution:
The operation could not be completed. The parameter is incorrect.
with no more details! which is always lovely!
It has been a constant these days, but that is honestly true: I don’t know exactly the reason why. And the solutions describing this type of issue are not consistent and range from restarting visual studio, and deleting files to restarting the machine!
But my feeling is that is more related to Visual Studio security execution permissions and user permissions.
To solve this issue you should run Visual Studio as an administrator. To do that you need:
Select the Start button, and then in the Search box, type Visual Studio.
Next, right-click either Visual Studio , and then select More > Run as administrator.
Open your BizTalk Visual Studio Solution and try to build it. It worked for me!
Build started…
Build succeeded
Hope you find this helpful! So, if you liked the content or found it helpful and want to help me write more content, you can buy (or help buy) my son a Star Wars Lego!
Author: Sandro Pereira
Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc.
He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community.
View all posts by Sandro Pereira
In the last post, we try to demystify the reason and cause of the error: Invalid type name. The root node type has to be a valid C# identifier when you are working with a schema with a single root node.
In this second part of the post, we will address what happens If we are working with a schema with multiple root nodes, and two or more root nodes contains hyphens (-) or any other punctuation characters?
Let’s take the following example, where we have:
The root node “My-NAME-SANDRO” with the “RootNode TypeName” property set as “My-NAME-SANDRO”
And the root node “Let-SEE-What-happens” with the “RootNode TypeName” property set as “Let-SEE-What-happens”
If we try to build our BizTalk Server solution within Visual Studio it will fail with the following errors:
Suppression State
Node “My-NAME-SANDRO” – Specify a valid .NET type name for this root node. The current .NET type name of this root node is invalid (it is a reserved BizTalk Keyword or is an invalid C# identifier).
c:users…documentsvisual studio 2015ProjectsBizTalk Server Project1BizTalk Server Project1Schema2.xsd
Node “Let-SEE-What-happens” – Specify a valid .NET type name for this root node. The current .NET type name of this root node is invalid (it is a reserved BizTalk Keyword or is an invalid C# identifier).
c:users…documentsvisual studio 2015ProjectsBizTalk Server Project1BizTalk Server Project1Schema2.xsd
Official Microsoft documentation state that The Type Name property of this schema file is not valid. Because the value of the Type Name property is used as the name of an automatically generated C# class name, it must be a valid C# identifier and cannot be a reserved BizTalk keyword.
And in this case – when working with multiple root nodes in a single schema – it is not allowed the use of hyphens or other punctuations like “.”, “!” and so on, with the exception for the underscore (_).
We saw in the previous post that we could work around this “limitation” in schemas with a single root node by open the Schema with XML (Text) Editor and fix the “rootTypeName” for the value you want. In this case, it will not work.
As hyphens, or any other punctuation characters, are not allowed, the only solution you have is to change it from the “RootNode TypeName” property. For example:
For the node “My-NANE-SANDRO” the “RootNode TypeName” value can be “MyNAMESANDRO” or “My_NAME_SANDRO” instead of “My-NAME-SANDRO”
And for the node “Let-SEE-What-happens” the “RootNode TypeName” value can be “LetSEEWhathappens” or “Let_SEE_What_happens” instead of “My-NAME-SANDRO
By removing all hyphens, or any other punctuation characters, from this property in all schemas you will guarantee that you will not face this issue again at least in this project.
As a best practice you should use hyphens, or any other punctuation characters in the “RootNode TypeName”, nevertheless:
The use of hyphens or any other punctuation characters is allowed in schemas with a single root node;
The use of hyphens or any other punctuation characters is not allowed in schemas with multiple single root node;
And by the way, can my root node name still contain hyphens or any other punctuation characters?
Yes, it can. In all scenarios as long the root “RootNode TypeName” property doesn’t contain any of them as you will see in the picture below:
Author: Sandro Pereira
Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community. View all posts by Sandro Pereira
A few days ago, while trying to compile a BizTalk Server solution I got the following error: Invalid type name. The root node type has to be a valid C# identifier. I end up solving this problem but while I was preparing this post the reason I realize that the cause and respective solution that I thought to be behind this error was, in fact, incomplete and not accurate.
Most of the documentation available state that:
The .Net framework doesn’t allow the “-” within TypeNames because the “-” is reserved.
The use of a hyphen (-) in RootNode TypeName is not allowed.
And that statement is incorrect or at least incomplete!
1)What happens if I create a root node with hyphens (-)?
If we create a root node with hyphens, let’s say “My-NAME-SANDRO”, by default the:
The “NodeName” property will be set as “My-NAME-SANDRO”;
And the “RootName TypeName” property will also be set as “My-NAME-SANDRO”;
And as you can see in the picture below, you will be able to create a schema with a one or more hyphens (-) on the root node name and type name, in fact, they should be the same if you only have one root node in the schema.
And again, as you see in the picture you will be able to build and deploy it with success.
But, let’s play a little in order to demystify this Invalid type error that sometimes happens.
2)What happens if we try to change the “RootNode TypeName” property to other value like “MyNAMESANDRO” – without any hyphens (-)?
Nothing will happen, we will still be able to compile and successfully deploy our schema.
In fact, this is the best approach.
3)Now, what happens if we try to change the “RootNode TypeName” property to other value like “My-NAMESANDRO” – with hyphens (-)?
Note, that we are changing to a “RootNode TypeName” property to a different value than the “Node Name” but this time including one or more hyphens (-).
If we try to do that we will receive the following error:
Invalid type name. The root node type name has to be a valid C# identifier. It cannot be same as the type name of any other root nodes in this schema
Official Microsoft documentation state that the Type Name property of this schema file is not valid. Because the value of the Type Name property is used as the name of an automatically generated C# class name, it must be a valid C# identifier and cannot be a reserved BizTalk keyword.
In fact, it will not allow, any hyphens or other punctuations like “.”, “!” and so on with the exception of the underscore (_)… directly from the BizTalk Editor – we will get that sorted out (properly cleared) later.
As hyphen, or any other punctuation characters, are “not allowed”, you should “removed it” from the “RootNode TypeName” property. For example:
For the node “My-NANE-SANDRO” the “RootNode TypeName” value can be “MyNAMESANDRO” or “My_NAME-SANDRO” instead of “My-NAMESANDRO” or event “My-NAME_SANDRO”
By removing all hyphens, or any other punctuation characters, from this property in all schemas you will guarantee that you will not face this issue again at least in this project.
4)I change to “MyNAMESANDRO”, what happens if we try to roll back and change the “RootNode TypeName” property again to the original “My-NAME-SANDRO”?
Here’s where the story becomes funny, it will fail!
Humm… what? How that’s possible if in point 1 we saw that if the root node name and type name is the same it should work, and it did work before?
Again, official Microsoft documentation state that the Type Name property of this schema file is not valid. Because the value of the Type Name property is used as the name of an automatically generated C# class name, it must be a valid C# identifier and cannot be a reserved BizTalk keyword.
In fact, once you change the name for something else without hyphens or any other punctuation characters, you cannot rollback to the origin (or default) RootName TypeName “My-NAME-SANDRO”.
The same solution here, as a hyphen, or any other punctuation characters, are “not allowed”, you should “removed it” from the “RootNode TypeName” property. For example:
For the node “My-NANE-SANDRO” the “RootNode TypeName” value can be “MyNAMESANDRO” instead of “My-NAMESANDRO” or event “My-NAME_SANDRO”
However, if you want to rollback to the default RootNode TypeName value, you need to delete the root node and recreate from the scratch, at least directly from the BizTalk Schema Editor.
What is actually the Cause
I think at some point in the past this was a limitation, or maybe a limitation in certain scenarios (we will check this on Part II later on in a different blog) but not really at the moment or in this case: a schema with a single root node.
So, if it worked in the first approach – point 1 – why doesn’t work in the other approaches – point 3 and 4?
Well, in this case, this is just a BizTalk Schema Editor limitation or bug, but let’s call it a limitation.
What is actually the Solution
To solve point 3 and 4 you just need to open the Schema with XML (Text) Editor:
And fix the “rootTypeName” for the value you want: “My-NAMESANDRO” or back to “My-NAME-SANDRO”
Save it, you now can open it again with BizTalk Schema Editor, compile it and deploy it with any problem.
Keep posted for Part II of this blog post.
Author: Sandro Pereira
Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community. View all posts by Sandro Pereira
An error never comes alone … When an error appears, it always appears two or three, and I still have thousands to published, but this one but this one made me crazy for a few minutes: The type or namespace name ‘SerializableAttributeAttribute’ does not exist in the namespace!
Yes, you read it right, while I was trying to compile a RosettaNet schemas projects, in this particular case a PIP3B2 Advance Shipment Notification I got thousands of errors, 3054 to be exact saying:
Error 1 The type or namespace name ‘SerializableAttributeAttribute’ does not exist in the namespace
RosettaNet.Common.Schemas._3B2.System’ (are you missing an assembly reference?)
Error 3054 The type or namespace name ‘NonSerializedAttribute’ does not exist in the namespace ‘RosettaNet.Common.Schemas._3B2.System’ (are you missing an assembly reference?) C:TFS… RosettaNet.Common.Schemas.3B2DomainProcurementINT_Procurement_02_07_01_09.xsd.cs 5072 21 RosettaNet.Common.Schemas.3B2
… and several other schemas as you may see in the picture below.
But do not be fooled into thinking this is a problem related exclusively to RosettaNet, it is not, and it can happen with any “normal” or any kind of schemas.
There are certain keywords, type names, and identifier names that you should use because they are internally used by BizTalk and it way enter in conflict and sometimes originate problems and errors, keywords like activate, atomic, body, task, compensate, method and several ones, you can see the full list here XLANG-s Reserved Words. But there are other keywords that depending on the artifact, may give you problems like:
BTS (associated with Microsoft.BizTalk.GlobalPropertySchemas assembly)
“-“ in RootNode Typename inside schemas
And “System”!
If you use the keyword “System” inside a schema namespace like:
You will not be able to compile your schema project.
The problem, if you download from the GS1 RosettaNet Standards certain PIP’s they will have the following structure:
And as you see, there is a folder “System” that inside have several schemas and normally the schema namespace is composed by the project name or (assembly name) and the path to the schema, for example in this case:
Or RosettaNet.Common.Schemas._3B2.System
And this is causing all of these problems because in this case, “System” is a reserved keyword that shouldn’t be used.
The difficult part of this error was finding the cause of the problem. Once you know what is causing the problem the solution is quite simple. You just need to:
Change the “Namespace” property on all the schemas the word “System” to another name, for example, “_System” (to maintain the consistency but it can be other word/value)
In my case, I hade the change the “Namespace” property of the schemas in the “System” folder
You can now rebuild your schema solution and this error should go away.
Author: Sandro Pereira
Sandro Pereira lives in Portugal and works as a consultant at DevScope. In the past years, he has been working on implementing Integration scenarios both on-premises and cloud for various clients, each with different scenarios from a technical point of view, size, and criticality, using Microsoft Azure, Microsoft BizTalk Server and different technologies like AS2, EDI, RosettaNet, SAP, TIBCO etc. He is a regular blogger, international speaker, and technical reviewer of several BizTalk books all focused on Integration. He is also the author of the book “BizTalk Mapping Patterns & Best Practices”. He has been awarded MVP since 2011 for his contributions to the integration community. View all posts by Sandro Pereira