by Srinivasa Mahendrakar | Jun 22, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
I was working on a POC which involved sending a message from BizTalk send port to a logic app with message’s HTTP header enriched to have a unique tracking id. Achieving this was not straight forward. In this article, I will explain the issue I faced and resolution.
Problem explained
I have a simple logic app with an HTTP request trigger and dumps the received message into a Google drive folder.
My BizTalk application has an FTP receive port and a send port configured to use Logic Apps adapter. send port subscribes to messages from FTP receive port and sends them out to a logic app.
As we are aware logic apps provide an option to send a client tracking id in the form of a custom HTTP header x-ms-client-tracking-id. Refer the article to know more about monitoring and tracking in Logic apps.
The static logic app sends adapter provides an option to configure the custom HTTP headers in the port configuration as shown below.
Since I want to send a unique tracking id per message, I cannot set a static value in port configuration. Hence I did what any other BizTalk developer would do. tried to look for a property schema specific to Logic Apps adapter. However, I could not find one in the list of property schemas deployed in my BizTalk environment. This put me in a situation where I don’t have the option to send unique tracking id per message.
I started to contemplate on how a dynamic send port would send messages to logic apps without any property schema related to logic app adapter is deployed. With a little bit of research, I came to know that the Logic Apps adapter internally leverages WCF Web Http binding. This directed me toward WCF property schema.
So I wrote a HttpHeaders context property in a custom pipeline component in send port.
inMsg.Context.Write("HttpHeaders", "", "x-ms-client-tracking-id: " + trackingId);
This made the trick! Now I am able to view the tracking id in my logic apps run history.
However, when I send another message, I saw that google drive connector was failing due to duplicate file name. I used the tracking Id as the file name. This means somehow tracking id which I have set is same for subsequent runs. This was again a setback for me as I was still not able to receive unique tracking id per message.
Again with a little bit of research, I understood that this is the normal behavior for a static WCF send port to cache the headers set using context properties. The option was to create a dynamic port. Since I do not want to create a dynamic port, I just tried to set a context property related to dynamic ports. So I added an additional line to my code in pipeline component.
inMsg.Context.Write("HttpHeaders", "", "x-ms-client-tracking-id: " + trackingId);
inMsg.Context.Write("IsDynamicSend", "", true);
This solved the issue! I am now able to send a unique tracking id per message using Logic Apps adapter in BizTalk static send port.
In summary, we need to remember following points
- Logic app provides an option to send client tracking id using a custom HTTP header “x-ms-client-tracking-id”
- Logic Apps send adapter leverages WCF web HTTP binding behind the scene.
- If you want a static Logic Apps port to send the tracking id per message then you need to promote two properties HttpHeader and IsDynamicSend
Author: Srinivasa Mahendrakar
Technical Lead at BizTalk360 UK – I am an Integration consultant with more than 11 years of experience in design and development of On-premises and Cloud based EAI and B2B solutions using Microsoft Technologies. View all posts by Srinivasa Mahendrakar
by Saravana Kumar | Jun 20, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Recently we received few support emails where people were asking about the overlap between BizTalk360 and ServiceBus360 when it comes to monitoring Azure Service Bus. Which ones should they go for? Also, the question was extended in such a way that if they are using Azure Logic Apps and Web API’s (Web Endpoints), then which is the better product to opt for.
Given both the products got the capability to monitor Azure Service Bus, it’s a valid question and let me try to clarify the positioning of both the products.
When we released BizTalk360 version 8.1, we introduced a bunch of Azure Monitoring capabilities in the product like:
The Web End Points Monitoring capability was also heavily enhanced to support features like adding query strings, body payload, HTTP headers etc., in the request message and enriched validation like JSONPath, XPath, response time etc., on the response message. The changes made the feature super powerful for monitoring SOAP, REST/HTTP-based web endpoints.
The long term goal for us at BizTalk360 is to provide a consolidated single pane of glass operations, monitoring and analytics solution for customers who are using Microsoft Integration Stack for their integration needs. In the upcoming 8.5 version, we are extending Azure capability even further by bringing support for Azure Integration Accounts within BizTalk360.
If you are a Microsoft BizTalk Server customer and slowly started leveraging Azure Service Bus, Logic Apps, API apps, and Web API’s for your integration requirements, then BizTalk360 will be the ideal product both for Managing and Monitor the entire infrastructure. Typically Microsoft BizTalk Server customers who started utilizing some of the Azure Integration technology stacks like Azure Service Bus, Logics Apps, API apps will get benefitted by using BizTalk360.
When it comes to Azure Service Bus monitoring in BizTalk360, we only cover Azure Service Bus Queues. Currently, we do not cover Azure Service Bus Topics, Azure Service Bus Relay and Azure Service Bus EventHubs. Therefore, if you are using any of these technologies (that are not monitored with BizTalk360), then you’ll also need ServiceBus360.
ServiceBus360 is designed and developed to provide complete operations and monitoring capabilities for Azure Service Bus Messaging, Relay and Event Hubs. ServiceBus360 provides in-depth monitoring capabilities for:
ServiceBus360 is also not just a monitoring solution for Azure Service Bus. The idea of ServiceBus360 is to make it a world class product for complete operations, monitoring and analytics of Azure Service Bus. The product already supports a variety of productivity and advanced operational capabilities like:
The above is not the complete list of features – it just gives you the flavor of what can be accomplished with ServiceBus360. Clearly, BizTalk360 will not have this level of coverage for Azure Service Bus.
Therefore, if you are using Azure Service Bus for mission critical integration work, then ServiceBus360 is the viable option to improve productivity and avoid disaster.
Author: Saravana Kumar
Saravana Kumar is the Founder and CTO of BizTalk360, an enterprise software that acts as an all-in-one solution for better administration, operation, support and monitoring of Microsoft BizTalk Server environments. View all posts by Saravana Kumar
by Saranya Ramakrishnan | Feb 10, 2017 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication
Azure Logic Apps play a vital role in an integration platform. Keeping this in mind, we introduced ‘Azure Logic Apps Monitoring’ in BizTalk360 Version 8.1. In Version 8.3, we implemented ‘Azure Logic Apps Operations’ capability to improve the ease of use for users using Logic Apps and BizTalk360. With this functionality, users can Operate, Manage and Monitor Azure Logic App(s) from a single place. When you see a threshold violation of Logic Apps, you can rectify the problem from the BizTalk360 UI itself. You can save time to log in to the Azure Portal and manage your Logic Apps.
All the user needs to do to configure Logic Apps Operations capability is to add the Azure subscription in BizTalk360 UI and enable it for monitoring and operation. BizTalk360 also provides an option to work on multiple subscriptions simultaneously. Therefore, by adding the subscription in BizTalk360, users can view the list of available Logic Apps in that subscription along with its name, Access End Point, the current Status (Enabled or Disabled), Last Run, and other details such as Resource Group, Location, Run and Trigger history details and Success/Failure Run count.
Features of Logic Apps Operations
Enable/Disable Logic Apps: From BizTalk360 UI, users can enable/disable the Logic Apps that reflects the corresponding Logic App in the Azure Subscription. You can initiate bulk operations — enable/disable multiple Logic Apps in a single click.
Run Trigger: User can also trigger the Logic App action from the BizTalk360 UI. This action also supports the bulk operations.
Delete Logic Apps: User can delete single or multiple Logic Apps through a single click from BizTalk360 UI.
Note: The Azure Portal UI allows to operate (Enable/Disable, Delete, Run Trigger) on only one Logic App at a time, whereas from BizTalk360 UI user can initiate bulk operation (select multiple logic apps) in a single click.
Run and Trigger History details
Data like History and Runs are huge when it comes to real time scenarios/production use. For each Logic App, Run and Trigger history will maintain the last 30 records. The history details will be displayed in both list and graphical View.
List View
- Start and End time of Run/Trigger. Here the time format and time zone is based on user profile configuration.
- Run/Trigger status such as succeeded/failed, running/skipped/aborted
- Duration of each Run and Trigger
Graphical View
We have simplified the UI view of your Logic Apps details and redefined Runs and Trigger history into Graphical representations. With the graphical view, it becomes easy for the users to navigate and identify the date and time tracking.
The graphical view chart shows Logic Apps Runs in the “Y” axis and Date in the “X” axis. All basic graph operations such as zoom, hover are available in the graphical view. Additionally, you can print/download the chart.
Success and Failure Run count
Based on colour coding, you can know the Success and Failure Run counts instantly within the detail window of your Logic App.
Trigger and Action Status
Users can see the actual design of the Logic App in the Details View, say when it should be trigger and which actions are to be performed.
E.g : Trigger ‘When_a File_Is_created ’ ; Action – Email_File .
If you are an existing user of BizTalk360, and using the Platinum tier license, you just need to upgrade to BizTalk360 Version 8.3 to use this feature. For customers using other licensing tier, if you would like to use/try this feature, please send an email to [email protected] to customize your license.
If you are new to BizTalk360 and like to explore the Logic Apps Operations capability, you can get started with the 14 day free trial of BizTalk360.