Could not find stored procedure ‘ops_ClearOperationsProgress’ after BizTalk 2013R2 CU5 install

After rolling out BizTalk 2013R2 CU5 on a development server we experienced the following error when loading the group hub:
“Could not find stored procedure ‘ops_ClearOperationsProgress’”

It looked like something when wrong during the installation of the cumulative update. After investigation of the log file, the following SQL error showed up:

To conclude: the installation failed because of insufficient SQL access rights.

(To bad the installer didn’t check this requirement before starting the installation…)

In the end we were able to fix the issue by taking the following steps:

  • Providing the SQL sysadmin role
  • Uninstalling the CU5 update
  • Restoring the BizTalkMsgBoxDb database prior the update
  • Installing the CU5 update again

My key takeaways regarding BizTalk updates:

  • Always test BizTalk updates before rolling them out!
  • Create a backup of your BizTalk databases before installing anu update – even for your development environments!
  • Read the installer log file!