Are you missing the feature of Application Pools that was available in BizTalk 2002? Need to limit your running Orchestrations? Well, I hope my BizTalk Design Competition submission will help you out.
I took that concept and created a Message Broker – Process Controller solution that will allow the user to limit the number of running Orchestration instances. In addition, the Orchestration parameters can be changed on the fly without stopping the Process Controller. The Process Controller can also monitor for suspended Orchestration instances and stop processing if a set limit is reached.
Core BizTalk 2004 Features Utilized
- Base Integration Pattern: Message Broker
- Custom Pipeline Component
- Property Promotion
- Content Based Routing
- Publish and Subscribe Messaging
- Direct Message Box Binding Receive Shapes
- Business Rules Engine
- Direct Interaction with External .NET Components Inside an Orchestration
- BizTalk 2004 WMI Interaction
Please see the documentation for more details. I think I have a total of 10 pages…
The download includes a MSI and the Source Code. The Source Code will install automatically through the MSI.
Download: Get the sample here! (880k)
please i nedd the link to source code of this sample as the current one is not working
Here is the direct link:
Source code is included too.