The Biztalk 2006 Beta Program is now available for sign-up.
Biztalk 2006 simplifies the administration and deployment process. Some of the other major enhancements are improved BAM, executing pipelines inside an Orchestration, a flat file schema wizard, and suspended message routing, just to name a few.
To sign-up for the program follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Sign in with your passport
3. At the top of the page it should say something like “if you have a Guest Id click here”.
4. Enter: BizTalkBetaTeam (case sensitive) as your guest id.
5. Fill out the survey. I think the link is located on the left side of the screen. Make sure you do not use a PO Box.
6. You should get a welcome email once you are processed. I do not know how long this will take. Mine took several days.
I recommend anyone interested in Biztalk to take advantage to this beta program. It will give you a great opportunity to see the new features of the upcoming release and to have access to the beta news group. Just a note, Visual Studios 2005 Beta 2 is also required.
Once you have installed Biztalk 2006, do not forget to check out for samples and videos covering the new features of Biztalk Server 2006.