I have been working heads down for a few weeks now with Windows Azure Logic Apps. While I have worked with them off and on for over a year now, it is amazing how far things have evolved in such a small amount of time. You can put together a rather complex EDI scenario in just a few hours with no up front hardware and licensing costs.
I have been creating Logic Apps both using the web designer and using Visual Studios 2015.
Recently I was trying to use the Transform Shape that is part of Azure Integration Accounts (still in Technical Preview). I was able to set all the properties and manually enter a map name Then I ran into issues.
I found if I switched to code view I was not able to get back to the Designer without manually removing the Transform Shape. I kept getting the following error: The ‘inputs’ of workflow run action ‘Transform_XML’ of type ‘Xslt’ is not valid. The workflow must be associated with an integration account to use the property ‘integrationAccount’.
What I was missing was setting the Integration Account for this Logic App. Using the web interface, it’s very easy to set the Integration Account. But I looked all over the JSON file and Visual Studios for how to set the Integration Account for a Logic App inside Visual Studios.
With the help of Jon Fancy, it turns out it is super simple. It is just like an Orchestration property.
To set the Integration Account for a Logic App inside Visual Studios do the following:
1. Ensure you have an Integration Account already created inside the subscription and Azure Location.
2. Make sure you set the Integration Account BEFORE trying to use any shaped that depend on it, like the Transform Shape.
3. Click anyplace in the white space of the Visual Studio Logic App.
4. Look inside the Property Windows for the Integration Account selection windows.
5. Select the Integration Account you want to use and save your Logic App.
It’s that simple!