This post was originally published here

Are you an Integration expert? Want to get up to speed on the Microsoft Integration technologies and stay updated on their vision and road map?  Then, INTEGRATE 2020 is the answer to all these questions. The 3-day event, with speakers from the Microsoft Product Group and from the Global Integration Community, to listen to the leading Integration Specialists and learn what is coming next in integration and to network with your peers.

Any Microsoft events like the Ignite, Inspire, Build, etc will have sessions covering a wide range of technologies, which is overwhelming to some extent, whereas INTEGRATE 2020 focuses on a niche category of people interested in Microsoft Integration space.

Last year INTEGRATE edition was by far the most successful one which means the conference is only getting better year after year. This is undoubtedly the premier event focusing on the Microsoft integration space. Therefore, it is key for everyone in the integration space to attend this event to know the interesting things that are happening and learn what’s coming next from the Microsoft Product Group.

Here I wish to express why attending Integrate 2020 in-person is so important:


What’s Microsoft Integration Roadmap?

Here is a list of important announcements made at INTEGRATE by the Microsoft Product team. It would be more valuable for you to connect with the product team over networking to discuss more on the benefits, challenges, and considerations to be followed for these important announcements.

INTEGRATE 2019Paul Larsen, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft made the big announcement “BizTalk Server 2020” and he also announced it will be released at the end of 2019. BizTalk Server 2020 is not just a simple software update it’s a game-changer and beginning of a new era. BizTalk Server 2020 is Microsoft’s commitment to existing customers who invested in BizTalk Server. The new BizTalk Server version will be supported until 2030


Also, the Logic Apps team announced the public preview for Rosetta Net and a few real use cases of Rosetta Net.

INTEGRATE 2018Jon Fancey, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft in his Keynote mentioned the need to embrace change towards cloud adoption. The whole of the conference in 2018 was about what’s the future with hybrid and cloud integrations. There were a lot of announcements from Microsoft on introduction towards Azure Integration Services, Logic Apps, Function, etc.

Paul Larsen announced BizTalk Server 2016 Cumulative Update (CU) 5. He also showed the traditional BizTalk Server life cycle diagram that showed that just a month is left ahead for support to end for BizTalk Server 2013 and BizTalk Server 2013 R2.


Clemens Vasters – Principal Architect announced Event Hubs for the Kafka Ecosystem.

INTEGRATE 2017 – Jim Harrer, Principal Group Program Manager at Microsoft Pro Integration team emphasized how Microsoft brings intelligence to its Hybrid Integration Platform. Jim showed the Pro Integration team’s year in review showing how they have progressed as a team in the 4 main departments – Logic Apps, BizTalk, Host Integration Server, and API Management.


INTEGRATE 2016Jim Harrer, Program Manager of the Pro-Integration group at Microsoft announced Microsoft’s integration vision and road map to provide a unified integration experience across on-premises and cloud.


Now, are you excited about the important Microsoft updates at INTEGRATE 2020? We are excited as much as you are!

Network and Explore an Opportunity for Partnerships

INTEGRATE is the biggest and best opportunity to build a strong network and explore the opportunities to build a strong business. You certainly not want to miss out on the best possible opportunity to grow your company and network with the community.



We already opened registrations for INTEGRATE 2020. The early bird registrations for tickets closes on March 31st. Also, given the Public Holiday on June 1st in parts of Europe and our wish to accommodate attendees enjoying a long weekend, all the Microsoft Speaker sessions will take place on Day 2 and Day 3. We have now made available a 2 Day Pass Option for June 2nd and June 3rd only.

If you are planning to attend INTEGRATE 2020, then go ahead and register as this will be the best ticket sale of the year. Be quick as when they’re gone, they’re gone.


We are also opening sponsorship opportunities for this event. There are sponsorship packages available at different levels. If you are interested to sponsor this event, please contact us at [email protected].

Join with other leading consulting and ISV companies as sponsors:


Are you still not convinced? 🙂 Don’t miss out, register today and take the early bird offer.

Don’t miss out on the conference which is highly focused on Microsoft Integration space. We look forward to planning your trip to London and joining the community in June.

The post Why you should attend INTEGRATE 2020? appeared first on BizTalk360.