This post was originally published here
“The risk of changing the name of something people have grown to know and love is too big. For others, the risk of being boxed into something they no longer feel much affinity for is even bigger”
For the last 6 or 7 years, I had my blog hosted on which is an amazing (for me the best) platform and that served my purposes well. However, as everything that is free, it has its limitations… and the two main limitation for me was:
- Design Customization: The customizations that you are able to do in a free WordPress is very limited and also the list of available themes. And it was impossible to make the layout and look of my blog exactly how I see it in my head.
- Advertising: The fake annoying ads that were appearing in my blog posts that I could not control, annoying me and to my readers. The reason here was not to have the option to monetize my blog (which, to be honest, also always helps a little) but especially to get rid of this fake ads.
I have to say, it was an old dream of mine, and some of my friends had already warned me that I should redesign my blog and asked me why didn’t I do it …. My response was always the same: I don’t really have time to do it, my skills at web designer are not the best these days and I don’t really want to spend extra money… but the dream was there that one day I will find a way to do it…
… Well, I’m glad to say that this day has come! Welcome to my “new” blog!
At first glimpse, it looks the same as the old one with a new modern layout/skin. In fact, this blog is a continuation of my former blog hosted on, but this one is actually hosted on my own site so, now, I can do lots of new things with it.
The old blog is redirecting to this new blog and all the old content is here, so you should expect the same content but I hope with better quality and a better user experience.
Nonetheless, this dream would not have come true without the help of my dear friend Saravana Kumar and his amazing team behind BizTalk360 … yes, my blog sponsor!
While I was discussing with him my dream, he not only made himself available to sponsor my blog… but he also said… you do not have to do anything, I have an excellent team very experienced and able to do everything that is necessary to migrate your blog including redesign it according to your specifications… and they did it!
After several weeks of work behind the scenes, BizTalk360 team made an amazing and extraordinary work that I now present to you… During this time, I just had to relax and in only in last week, I step in and review one by one a modest amount of 543 posts.
So, thank you Saravana and BizTalk360 for collaborating with me, for supporting me and for making this dream a reality!
But do not be fooled … This is still my personal blog, I now have a sponsor, but I will continue to be independent and speaking about any topic or tool in an impartial way.
However, the surprises don’t end here … I have some amazing free gifts provided by my sponsor that I will be giving away within a few days: A Free Production Bronze License of BizTalk360 and some Free ServiceBus360 namespaces.
Stay tuned for more details about this gifts!
Once again, THANKS BizTalk360 team for this amazing work and I hope that my readers enjoy this new and more professional layout and that they consider it more appealing with better quality and better user experience.