After spending hours learning to play the fake guitar simply to get a higher score, I often wondered why someone couldn’t make a game to learn useful skills. Where’s arithmetic Hero? Going-to-bed-on-time Hero? Microsoft Office Ribbon Hero?

Well, at least the last one finally exists. Microsoft Ribbon Hero lets you learn to use the Microsoft Ribbon and earn points while doing it. They even have Facebook integration so you can compete against your friends and coworkers. (My FB account is here, if you want to challenge me)

The premise of the Ribbon is based on sound UI design (it’s even won awards), but it’s so different than what we were used to. If you’re like me, you’ve figured out where your most commonly used items are on the Ribbon, but haven’t fully explored the other features and often have to hunt for that one option that you use so rarely. Well, let’s take that need for points and apply it to learning something we can actually use in everyday life.

Finally, a game you can play in front of the boss. After all, you’re increasing productivity!