Tech%u00b7Ed North America 2010, takes place in New Orleans from June 7-10, 2010.
We would like to request Breakout Session topic ideas from product expects like yourself. We hope you will consider submitting one or more session ideas for BizTalk Server , in the Application Integration (AIN) track before the January 15 deadline.
Steps for Call for Content submissions:
- Go to:
- Enter RSVP Access Code RSVP10-AIN for Application Integration Track
- Complete all the fields and submit the topic/s you’re interested in presenting
- When returning to the Call for Content site, use the e-mail alias and password you entered when creating your Call for Content profile to review or edit your submission, or to submit another topic.
Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2010
Following is the track descriptions. Please ensure that your sessions align with it:
Application Integration Track
Learn how Microsoft’s latest products and technologies can help your organization leverage the flexibility and cost effectiveness of Web service based development and composite applications.This track covers the products and technologies that are relevant to the challenges you face and how to use them in the context of building and managing business applications. BizTalk Server, Windows Server AppFabric, SharePoint and, of course, the capabilities in .NET (WCF, WF, ASP.NET) will be brought together to show you how to use them to solve real problems.
Additional Call for Content Information
Breakout Sessions are the primary way Tech%u00b7Ed attendees receive Microsoft content. These sessions are lecture-style presentations held in rooms seating anywhere from 200-1,200 people. Breakouts are 75-minutes in length and speakers use PowerPoint slides and demos; leaving 10-15 minutes at the end to answer questions. These sessions are recorded and available at Tech%u00b7Ed Online to all paid attendees from the other worldwide Tech%u00b7Ed conferences held during the 12 months following Tech%u00b7Ed North America.
Additional conference information
The following information will be helpful as you think about the session/s you are going to submit and, if selected, present at Tech%u00b7Ed.
Tech%u00b7Ed is Microsoft’s premier global conference designed to provide developers and IT professionals with the technical education, product information and community resources they need to design, develop, manage, secure, and mobilize state-of-the-art software solutions for a connected enterprise. Content focuses on current and soon-to-released (before June 2011) Microsoft products, technologies and services.
At Tech%u00b7Ed North America 2009, 30% of attendees were developers — programmers (41%), architects (28%), designers (20%), and developer managers (12%) — who wanted to dive deeper into the latest enterprise development solutions using Microsoft’s developer tools, frameworks, and platforms. The remaining 70 percent of Tech%u00b7Ed attendees were IT professionals with the majority being Infrastructure Managers (48%) and IT Mangers (28%). They were interested in the best ways to plan, design, deploy, manage and secure connected enterprise systems. The remaining
Review and notification
%u00b7 Session submissions are reviewed to determine which best meet the needs of the Tech%u00b7Ed audience, adhere to the Track framework and content focus, and fulfill the messaging requirements of the product groups.
%u00b7 Session selections will be made and you will be notified by e-mail in February 2010.
Thank you for your time. We look forward to seeing your Breakout Session ideas.