Hi all
So, I have written two previous posts about how to solve the If-Then-Else problem
in a map. The first
post discussed the way to use built-in functoids to solve the issue. The second
post discussed the issues I had creating a custom functoid to do the job.
Well, I now have a new way of doing it, which is not just one functoid, but still
it’s prettier than what I can do with the built-in functoids.
Basically, as discussed in my post about the issues with the different functoid categories,
a functoid that is in the String category cannot accept a logical functoid as input.
A scripting functoid can accept a logical functoid as input, but I can’t create a
custom scripting functoid where I decide what script to appear inside the scripting
functoid at design time.
So the solution I am describing in this post is a combination of the two.
This screenshot describes a map that solves the If-Then-Else problem:
The blue functoid with the crappy icon is programmed by myself. It is a simple functoid,
which takes in three parameters, which are all strings. First, it tries to convert
the first parameter to a boolean. If this fails, a “false” is assumed. Then, if the
boolean was true, the second parameter is returned and if it was false, the third
parameter is returned.
Now, since a string functoid cannot take a logical functoid as an input, I use a custom
scripting functoid that is very simple:
public string Same(string str)
return str;
Which is really annoying to have to do, since… well… I take in a string and return
the exact same string. Oh well…
You can find my functoid and the project that uses it as file downloads at the bottom
of this post. Note, that the functoid library contains a whole bunch of functoids,
of which only one is relevant. The library contains all the functoids I built trying
to solve the If-Then-Else issue. The only needed functoid will be included in my downloadable functoid
library at a later point.
Now, the advantages of this solution is, that it only requires three functoids all
together. The best I could do with the built-in functoids were four, and five were
sometimes the prettiest solution.
Functoid library: here
Project that uses the functoid: here