Hi all

I KNOW it is old, but I have just today finally taken the time to listen to an interview
on Channel 9 with Sean O’Driscoll, who is the general manager for community support
and the MVP program. You can find it here.

Sean talks a lot about what the MVP program is, and I’d like to just take a couple
of really important points from his talk and list here

  1. The MVP award is a “Thank you” for your PAST efforts in the communities. There are
    NO expectations to an MVP about what to do the next 12 months or the next day, even.
  2. The MVP award lasts 12 months. After that you will have to be reevaluated to see if
    your past 12 months of contributions to the community have been good enough to warrant
    a reaward.
  3. A true MVP gets the award not because he wants the award but because he wants to help
    people. A true MVP would do exactly the same effort in communities even if there was
    no MVP award.

Especially the third point is important to me. I mean.. the first time I was awarded
the MVP title, I got an email from MS stating that I had been nominated, and I had
to go search on the internet to find out what the MVP award was, because I had NO

Anyway, it’s a good video – go watch it! 🙂

Edit: Only 15 minutes after I posted it: Sean is no longer GM of community support.
Toby Richards is that now. Big thanks to my very fast MVP lead Gerard
Verbrugge for setting me straight! 🙂
