The book has finally been published. I couldn’t be happier about it. It’s been a fun ride but reaching the finish line is always sweet.

The book itself is targeted at the BizTalk Server certification 70-595. We have done our very best to be as brief and as focused on the areas of the certification as possible, while still keeping it far away from being verbatim or a cheat sheet. We want people to come away having learned useful pieces of BizTalk Server, not only be able to successfully answer the certification questions. The book does contain a healthy number of certification style (but not certification copied) question and answers, with a short explanation of why and why not the correct answer applies. All you need to know is there, explained and put into context. Hand in hand with being certification bound and focused also goes carrying a thread throughout and across chapters that will make the book an easy and time efficient read. I hope, in the end, that we succeeded in that.

You can read all about the book and it’s content, as well as making purchases 😉 on either Packt or Amazon (or if you prefer and are in Sweden from Bokus).

Authoring a book was more of a challenge than I anticipated. Not so much the writing in itself, but all the things that goes around it. All the editing and proof reading and keeping track of changes etc. The latter took basically half of the time if not more, both calendar wise and in number of spent hours. I would do it again if the title was interesting enough, but right now I have other plans for the summer.

Completing a book is a real team effort, and without the team at Packt and our reviewers the quality would not be at the level it is. Thanks to Kent and Morten, to all the people at Packt, Kerry especially, and to our reviewers, Jan Eliasen, Mikael H%u00e5kansson, Steef-Jan Wiggers, Todd Uhl among others.

Kent has written two post (1, 2) on the progress of the book as well.

Blog Post by: Johan Hedberg