Continuing from part
1, we’ll now see how to handle schemas and execute receive and send pipelines
with the pipeline testing library.
Configuring Known Document Specifications
If you want to use an assembler or disassembler on your pipeline, you’ll need to make
sure that it can resolve the necessary schemas based on the fully qualified schema
type, or the root element name (namespace#root). To accomplish this, you’ll need to
make sure that the pipeline is aware of “known” document specifications before you
execute them, so that the mock pipeline context can return the correct value when
IPipelineContext.GetDocumentSpecByName() or IPipelineContext.GetDocumentSpecByType()
is invoked by the assembler/disassembler component.
The library supports this through the AddDocSpec() method on the ReceivePipelineWrapper
and SendPipelineWrapper classes. AddDocSpec() takes as an argument a Type handle referencing
the strongly-typed, SchemaBase-derived class generated by the BizTalk project system
when you compile an schema into a BizTalk Assembly. Here’s an example:
ReceivePipelineWrapper pipeline =
AddDocSpec() will automatically handle multi-root schemas and make all roots in the
schema known to the pipeline context, so you don’t have to worry about that. You can
also add as many document specifications as needed, as long as there are no conflicts
among them (i.e. don’t add two schemas with the conflicting namespace#root names).
Executing Pipelines
Now that we can configure the necessary components and schemas into our pipelines,
we are ready to execute them. For both receive and send pipelines, you execute them
using the Execute() method. However, it is defined with a different signature in both
the ReceivePipelineWrapper and SendPipelineWrapper classes: Receive pipelines take
a single IBaseMessage argument and return multiple messages in a MessageCollection
object. Send pipelines, on the other hand, take multiple messages in a MessageCollection
object as input and return a single IBaseMessage object as ouput.
Here’s a complete example of configuring and executing a receive pipeline:
ReceivePipelineWrapper pipeline =
Create the input message to pass through the pipeline
Stream stream = DocLoader.LoadStream(“SampleDocument.xml”);
IBaseMessage inputMessage = MessageHelper.CreateFromStream(stream);
Add the necessary schemas to the pipeline, so that
disassembling works
Execute the pipeline, and check the output
MessageCollection outputMessages = pipeline.Execute(inputMessage);
Here’s a complete example of executing a send pipeline, with multiple inputs:
SendPipelineWrapper pipeline =
Create the input message to pass through the pipeline
string body =
is a body</o:Body>”;
MessageCollection inputMessages = new MessageCollection();
Add the necessary schemas to the pipeline, so that
assembling works
Execute the pipeline, and check the output
we get a single message batched with all the
messages grouped into the envelope’s body
IBaseMessage outputMessage = pipeline.Execute(inputMessages);