I’ve just added a new webcast to BloggersGuides.net, on an introduction to MGrammar. I have another one in the pipeline which I hope to get out next week that will look at a more real-world example of using MGrammar.
I found MGrammar confusing at first, and thought it would be one of the least used features of Oslo, but after having had the time to experiment with it a bit and get to know how it works I can think of a lot of scenarios where I will consider using it. At the MVP summit I met up with a few of the other MVPs who were finding some very creative uses for MGrammar.
So it seems you don’t need to have a big gray beard to develop a programming language anymore…
The webcast is here.
If you want to try it at home, here is the input…
Alan will do a presentation on Dublin at 16:00.
Johan will do a demo of Oslo at 17:00.
Dag will do a lab on Azure at 18:00.
And here is the MGrammar…
module BloggersGuides.Demos
language DemoLang
syntax Main = Session+;
syntax Session =
name:NameToken “will do a”
subject:SubjectToken “at”
time:TimeToken “.”
=> Session { name, subject, time, type};
token OnOfToken = “on” | “of”;
token NameToken = (‘A’..’Z’ | ‘a’..’z’)+;
token SessionTypeToken = “presentation” | “demo” | “lab”;
token SubjectToken = (‘A’..’Z’ | ‘a’..’z’ | ‘0’..’9′)+;
token TimeToken = (
“00” | “01” |”02″ |”03″ |”04″ |”05″ |”06″ |”07″ |”08″ |”09″ |
“10” | “11” |”12″ |”13″ |”14″ |”15″ |”16″ |”17″ |”18″ |”19″ |
“20” | “21” |”22″ |”23″
) ‘:’ ‘0’..’5′ ‘0’..’9′;
interleave Whitespace = ” “| “\r”| “\n”;
Have fun!