This is bordering on being somewhat old news (but don’t blame me for that). I attended the Swedish TechDays as a speaker, user group leader and ask the experts answerer. Now as far as the first one goes my two sessions “Windows Azure AppFabric – Middleware i molnet” (Middleware in the cloud) and “.NET utvecklare – ut%u00f6ka verktygsl%u00e5dan med BizTalk Server” (expand your toolkit with BizTalk Server) are now available online (unfortunately there is no direct links since they are hidden away inside a Silverlight player application). However note that they are in Swedish. My presentation slides should be available alongside them shortly, and those are (at least mostly) in English. I’ll give you a preview
The site makes those available as pdf’s. If you ask me nicely though, I might let you get your hands on the pptx’s 😉 I am however not shy to borrow from previous presentations held by Microsoft or other luminaries if those are made available online an encouraged to be (re-)used. And since I have been doing BizTalk presentations for quite some time I do have some of my my favorite slides in there, so if you have seen a presentation by me before, chances are you will recognize a slide or two, even if most of what I communicate is still new. Thus you will find “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” (since the theme for this years TechDays was blue on a black background). Enjoy.
Blog Post by: Johan Hedberg