Past few weeks I have contributed the following samples to MSDN Code Gallery:
- BizTalk Table Operations – Messaging
This sample will show how to perform simple table operations using WCF-SQL Adapter a part of BizTalk Server Adapter Pack. The Sample provided by Microsoft shows only Select statement operation. This sample will show all the other operations. It is based on the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010 WCF-Custom with sqlBinding Table Operations through Messaging solution post.
- Polling SQL Azure Table – BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010
This sample will show polling a SQL Azure database table. It is based on my Polling SQL Azure Database Table with WCF-SQL Adapter post.
- Sample – Table Operations on Oracle 11g XE with OracleDbBinding
This sample will show all the Oracle Table operations (in comparison with SQL, but there a few differences!). It is based on my Table Operation on Oracle 11g XE with OracleDbBinding post.
- WCF-SQL Adapter Stored Procedure : SQL Azure
This sample will make use of BizTalk Adapter Pack as well and call Stored-Procedure in Azure. Sample is based on my SQL Azure Stored Procedure blog post.
- ExecuteReader, ExecuteNonQuery, ExecuteScalar Operation with BizTalk Messaging
This sample will demonstrate three query operations through messaging in stead of using the WCF Service Model. BizTalk Server 2010 Adapter Pack Samples show only invoke ExecuteReader operation in SQL Server using ,NET. This sample shows all operations through messaging.