[Source: http://geekswithblogs.net/andym/archive/2010/02/02/137753.aspx]
I recently had the pleasure of installing and configuring the ESB Toolkit 2.0 in a multi-server environment.There are some notes on how to do this in the official documentation but they’re not exhaustive and they don’t include details on how to install the management portal in a multi-server environment.
%u00b7 Install and Configure BizTalk in your multi-server environment
%u00b7 Install and Configure UDDI in your multi-server environment:
o You install and configure the Database components on the SQL Server!Yes, your DBAs are going to be unhappy about this.
o Install and configure the other UDDI components on your BizTalk Servers
o If you have a named SQL instance see Raj’s post here in order to get UDDI configured: http://rajsinghblog.wordpress.com/2009/10/26/configuring-uddi-on-a-non-default-clustered-sql-instance/
o Note that you can only run the Notification Service component on server (I assume you could cluster it but we didn’t get into this)
ESB Toolkit 2.0 Installation and Configuration:
%u00b7 Follow the documentation for “Installing the ESB Toolkit Core” on all of your servers
%u00b7 Please note that you can use the “File” configuration in a multi-server environment.To me, it seems that the docs are pushing the “SSO” configuration but you don’t have to use “SSO” for a multi-server environment.Just run the configuration tool on the second to “n” server and point toward the already created databases.Also I have heard that people have had a lot of problems with the SSO configuration
%u00b7 Double check the esb.config file and make sure all of the settings are correct
%u00b7 Watch out for this one during configuration: Exception calling “Create” with “0” argument(s): “Create failed for Login ‘MyDomain\BizTalk Server Administrators’.”See this for how to fix: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/biztalkesb/thread/5ea700b9-dd91-4dcf-b442-7ada6210f44f
%u00b7 You may need to turn Kerberos on for IIS before you can successfully execute the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.UDDIPublisher.exe: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/215383
%u00b7 Make sure you unpack the samples C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0\ESBSource.zip following the official documentation.(Basically just follow all of the instructions in the “Installing the ESB Toolkit Core” section of the docs
ESB Management portal Installation and Configuration in a Multi-Server Environment:
%u00b7 Keep in mind that the portal is a sample
%u00b7 You can’t use the Management_Install scripts on a server that doesn’t have Visual Studio on it because the scripts require the Visual Studio 2008 SDK to function; the Visual Studio 2008 SDK requires Visual Studio for it to be installed obviously VS won’t be installed in a multi-server environment
%u00b7 The Portals solution (.sln) does include a setup project.I wanted a debug build so I had to open the solution (on my developer workstation)and in Visual Studio and use Configuration Manager to make sure that the setup project would be built for a “debug” build
%u00b7 Build the solution, on your developer workstation,and find the .msi that was created for the portal
%u00b7 Now on each sever in your group, perform the following:
%u00b7 Create an application pool, in IIS, named EsbPortalNetworkAppPool and have it run under Network Service
%u00b7 Install the .msi on your first server; the .msi creates the appropriate Virtual Directories (but doesn’t configure them correctly, see the authentication changes, below); use the application pool you created, when prompted.This creates four virtual directories one for the portal and one for each of its three services.Please note that this installs the portal, the ESB.BAM.Service, ESB.Exceptions.Service and the ESB.UDDI.Services to c:\inetpub\wwwroot
%u00b7 Create the ESBAdmin db using the C:\projects\Microsoft.Practices.ESB\ESBSource\Source\Samples\Management Portal\SQL\ESB.Administration Database.sql file; it blew up at the bottom (find the “Create BizTalk Server Administrators Login” section) because my BizTalk Admin and BizTalk App Users groups were named differently; I manually added the appropriate permissions in SQL Server
%u00b7 Update the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ESB.Portal\web.config with the correct db location and group names (connectionStrings and authorization nodes)
%u00b7 Update the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ESB.Exceptions.Service\web.config to point to the EsbExceptionDb (connectionStrings node)
%u00b7 Update the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ESB.BAM.Service\web.config to point to the BAMPrimaryImport db (connectionStrings node)
%u00b7 Add Windows Integrated to the ESB.Exceptions.Service, ESB.BAM.Service and ESB.Portal virtual directories
%u00b7 Removed Anonymous from ESB.Exceptions.Service, ESB.BAM.Service and ESB.Portal virtual directories
%u00b7 Update the SQL permissions for the ESB Exception Db using the statements found in this thread http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/biztalkesb/thread/1fb510a8-9f4b-4e1e-9261-3273b037786cProps to that guy for banging his head against the wall and figuring out those permissions
%u00b7 Follow the installation and configuration steps for the “Installing the ESB Management Portal Alert Service” and “Installing the ESB Management Portal UDDI Publishing Service” sections.We did this on one server in the group, no more.
%u00b7 We also followed the “Configuring Exception Management InfoPath Form Template Shares” section but I don’t see how that is necessary at this point.
I hope this helps.If I run into issues or I find that I need to correct this post I will update it