This post was originally published here
If you missed the @logicappsio LogicAppsLive community webcast (with Kevin Lam and Jon Fancey) last night, go watch it here:
During this webcast, they gave us the current road map for Logic Apps for the next 9 months.
Here’s the slide:
There’s quite a bit of content here, but here’s what we found out from the web cast:
Besides the new metrics and monitoring improvements, there is now Logic Apps support inside of PowerApps called PowerApps LogicFlows – and this uses the new designer. Some I’m guessing if you sign up for the PowerApps preview today, you’ll probably get to see the new designer. There’s even help on doing this here:
2.Designer Improvements
The new designer will be available in preview from early spring 2016:
- The new designer will be available in preview early next year, during a logic apps refresh and will let you see the implicit control flow in a logic app.
- There are some architectural alignments related to the PowerApps release this week e.g. API Management capabilities, API Apps and Connectors now all use exactly the same backend infrastructure for PowerApps and Logic Apps.
- You’ll be able to use any app that has a Swagger endpoint in the new designer, and it will appear with its own card etc. So any app: API Apps that come with Logic Apps, your own API apps, or 3rd party apps, as long as they have a Swagger endpoint.
3.Enterprise Integration Pack Preview
Coming in late spring 2016 is the preview of a new Enterprise Integration Pack (EIP):
- A set of capabilities targeted at Enterprise integrators, the sort of things that BizTalk services provides today e.g. validate, extract, transform and route VETR); pipeline capabilities (validate messages, pull properties out of messages); B2B capability (X12 and AS2 support); and lastly Hybrid APIs.
4.Logic Apps GA
Early summer will bring Logic Apps GA!
- Remainder of connectors you see in Logic Apps today will be available.
- Plus a whole bunch of connectors that won’t be available in preview but will be new with GA.
5.Enterprise Integration Pack GA
In late summer the EIP will GA, bringing with it more enterprise capabilities such as:
- Disaster Recovery.
- Tracking improvements.
All in all, this looks very exciting – it’s really good to see some enterprise capability coming to Logic Apps!