Loan Origination Reference Architecture (OR-LOS) shows architects and developers how to bridge OBA technologies with transactional service oriented systems using technologies such as BizTalk.
OR-LOS includes the following assets:
%u00b7 Architecture Guidance: Set of whitepapers that are real world scenarios driven by the lending industry.
%u00b7 Application Building Blocks: An installable code base, message schemas, BizTalk accelerator and install guides will jump start your development effort
%u00b7 Hands on Lab: Virtual PC image that allows customers to jump right in!
%u00b7 Rich Media: WebCasts and PodCasts
For initial mentions and discussions, see the following sites: Microsoft Watch, CNN, FOX Business, InfoWorld, SysCon Media,,, Destination .Net, Outlook Power Magazine and The industry Standard.
Mike Walker’s blog provides more details as well.
Marjan Kalantar