Azure Machine Learning ( has a number of packages already installed by default. You can see them with this following sample experiment:
R script is:
data.set <-data.frame(installed.packages());
# Select data.frame to be sent to the output Dataset port
you’ll find a little more than 400 packages.
Still you may need to use a package which is not known by Azure ML. Here is how to upload it to the environment.
NB: This post takes skmeans (k-means with a cosine distance) as an example, but this works for other packages as well.
Let’s suppose you have this code in R Studio locally.
NB: you can find information on how to setup your environment in this post. It’s in French, but bing translator is your friend.
sample_data <- matrix(, size = 20*500, replace = TRUE), nrow = 20, ncol = 500,
dimnames=list(1:20, 1:500))
fit <- skmeans(sample_data,5)
result <- data.frame(list(rownames(sample_data), fit$cluster), row.names=NULL)
colnames(result) <- c("sample data row", "cluster")
this will give this kind of result
If you try this in Azure ML, you’ll get the following result:
Here is how to have the script loading all the necessary packages in the Azure ML environment.
So let’s now see how you construct the and know which lines to write here:
On the local environment (in my case Windows), I remove the R packages that are installed in My Documents\R
then in R, I install the skmeans package:
this gives the following result:
So I know I have to install the following packages in order:
- slam
- clue
- skmeans
Then I go to the temp folder:
I Zip the zips:
and rename this new zip file as
I then can upload it Azure ML:
Then you’ll be able to find it as a saved dataset in your workspace:
After it has been connected to the third dot of the Execute R Script module instance, you’ll be able to find the content in src/ folder:
so, in order to install skmeans and its two dependencies, then reference the skmeans library, you just have to enter the following lines:
install.packages("src/", lib = ".", repos = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
install.packages("src/", lib = ".", repos = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
install.packages("src/", lib = ".", repos = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
library(skmeans, lib.loc=".", verbose=TRUE)
Azure ML has a pool of VM with docker-like containers (true Windows containers, named drawbridge) where the experiments run. So each time the script runs, it starts from a blank standard Azure ML environment. By bringing a zip, you add the files to that environment.
Hope this blog post will help you if you need R packages which are not in the 400+ preloaded ones in Azure Machine Learning!
Benjamin (@benjguin)
Blog Post by: Benjamin GUINEBERTIERE