This post was originally published here
I previously wrote several posts about how you can Check/Get a list of BizTalk Server Cumulative Updates installed in your machines for previous versions of the product:
- How to check what BizTalk Server 2016 Cumulative Updates are installed in your Servers with PowerShell
- How to Check what BizTalk Server 2013 R2 Cumulative Updates are installed in your Servers with PowerShell
- How to check what BizTalk Server 2013 Cumulative Updates are installed in your Servers with PowerShell
- How to check what BizTalk Server 2010 Cumulative Updates are installed in your Servers with PowerShell
Now it is time to update this script to BizTalk Server 2020.
Checking what CU is installed is not a difficult task to do, but without a doubt, it is one of the most annoying tasks to do as an administrator because, and once again:
- you can do it manually by checking “Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features” and then view the “Installed Updates”, try to find them in the list can be sometimes very confusing because they are not organized in a category BizTalk;
- Or rely on tools like BizTalk MsgBoxViewer, which sometimes are not up to date, to check and provide that information;
Probably there are other ways, nevertheless, this simple task should be simple, extremely easy and fast to do, what you really want to know is what are the BizTalk Cumulative Updates installed like:
This is the list of BizTalk Server Cumulative Updates installed in this machine: BTS2020LAB01 - Microsoft BizTalk Server 2020 Cumulative Update 1To check if the last Cumulative is installed or not.
PowerShell script overview
So how can we easily automate tasks? and reuse them whenever necessary and at the same time saving significant time for other tasks?
Using PowerShell is a good option. Windows PowerShell is a Windows command-line shell designed especially for system administrators and can be used by BizTalk administrators to help them in automating repetitive tasks or tasks that are time-consuming to perform manually.
This is a simple script that allows you to configure the template name of the cumulative updates, that will change from version to version, and will give you the list of all BizTalk Server 2016 cumulative updates installed on your server:
$keyResults = Get-ChildItem -path HKLM:SOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where { $_.Name -match $CUNameTemplate} ... foreach($keyItem in $keyResults) { if ($keyItem.GetValue("DisplayName") -like "*$CUNameTemplate*") { write-host "-" $keyItem.GetValue("DisplayName").ToString().Substring(0,$keyItem.GetValue("DisplayName").ToString().IndexOf(" Update")+9) #write-host "-" $keyItem.GetValue("DisplayName") } }THIS SQL SCRIPT IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
Check what BizTalk Server 2020 Cumulative Updates are installed with PowerShell
Microsoft | GitHubThe post How to check what BizTalk Server 2020 Cumulative Updates are installed in your Servers with PowerShell appeared first on SANDRO PEREIRA BIZTALK BLOG.