On April 16th is the fourth edition of the Global Azure Bootcamp where you can get up to speed on developing Cloud Computing Applications for Azure.
In many locations (like for example at Motion10 where there are sessions and also Hands-on Labs about API en App Integration with Azure App Service) you need a laptop so that you can participate yourself.
The following things are needed for the Hands-on Labs:
- Laptop (don’t forget your power cord!)
- Azure account
- Visual Studio (2013 or 2015)
- Azure SDK for .NET
Azure account
You can:
- Open an Azure account for free. You get credits that can be used to try out paid Azure services. Even after the credits are used up, you can keep the account and use free Azure services and features, such as the Web Apps feature in Azure App Service.
- Activate Visual Studio subscriber benefits. Your MSDN subscription gives you credits every month that you can use for paid Azure services.
Azure SDK for .NET
If you don’t have Visual Studio 2015, download the latest Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2015. Visual Studio 2015 is automatically installed with the SDK if you don’t already have it.
If you have Visual Studio 2013, and you want to use that, download the latest Azure SDK for Visual Studio 2013. The instructions are basically the same but some screens may look different.
1. Go to the download page: https://azure.microsoft.com/nl-nl/downloads/ |
2. Click on VS 2015 or VS 2013 (Depending on your version of Visual Studio) |
3. Click on the downloaded file to install the SDK (VWDOrVs2015AzurePack.exe) |
Note: |
Depending on how many of the SDK dependencies you already have on your machine, installing the SDK could take a long time, from several minutes to a half hour or more. |