I have received this error when testing my adapter I am creating:
The Messaging Engine failed to create the transport adapter “SQLBulkXML”.
OutboundAssemblyPath: “D:\Eric\Warehouse\Adapter\Run-Time\SQLBulkXMLTransmit\bin\Debug\SQLBulkXMLTransmitAdapter.dll”
OutboundTypeName: “StottIS.BizTalk.Adapters.Runtime.SQLBulkXMLTransmitter.SQLBulkXMLTransmitAdapter”
Exception Details: “Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).”
The issue is using the adapter wizard, it had the following code in the SQLBulkXML.transmitter.cs:
public SQLBulkXMLTransmitAdapter() : base( "SQLBulkXML Transmit Adapter", "1.0", "Allows data to be inserted into database using bulk xml import", "SQLBulkXML", new Guid(""), SQLBulkXMLNamespace, typeof(SQLBulkXMLTransmitterEndpoint), 10)
The problem is the new Guid(“”) is not filled in.