When you set an endpoint in an Itinerary with the STATIC Resolver you store that endpoint location in the Itinerary. In ESB Toolkit Tip #6 I showed that in larger environments where you have a lot of services you can use Sentinet from Nevatech to store and manage the web services and use the Sentinet SOA Repository Resolver to dynamically get the endpoint of the Services. But what if you want to route the message to a MSMQ or for example a folder? In that case you can use the BTDF-SSO Resolver from the Deployment Framework for BizTalk (BTDF).
The Deployment Framework for BizTalk makes it easy for you to centrally manage all of the variables (connection strings, user names, passwords, file paths, URL’s, etc.) and store them in SSO. At runtime you can use the BTDF-SSO Resolver to resolve the settings from SSO.
Deploy Configuration Settings into SSO
To deploy configuration settings into SSO, edit your Deployment Framework for BizTalk project file (.btdfproj) as follows:
1. Set the IncludeSSO property to true. |
2. Ensure that you have a PropsFromEnvSettings ItemGroup containing SsoAppUserGroup and SsoAppAdminGroup. |
3. Ensure that the Excel settings spreadsheet contains SsoAppUserGroup and SsoAppAdminGroup settings and add custom settings. |
Using the BTDF ESB Resolver
To use the BTDF-SSO Resolver in an Itinerary:
1. Ensure that the BTDF-SSO Resolver is added to the esb.config. |
2. Create or edit an itinerary in the Itinerary Designer and, on an itinerary service object, add or edit a Resolver. |
3. Choose "Deployment Framework for BizTalk SSO Resolver Extension" as the Resolver Implementation. |
4. Fill in the AffiliateAppName, Transport Location and Transport Type fields. |
Once the BizTalk Project with the SSO settings and the Itinerary is deployed with the Deployment Framework for BizTalk, the itinerary is ready to be tested.
1. Check if the settings of the BizTalk application are deployed to SSO with the SSOSettingsEditor tool. |
2. Sent a message to BizTalk and run DebugView to watch the trace output of the BTDF-SSO Resolver. |
See Also
For more information on the BTDF-SSO Resolver see: