I had this exceptionin the Application Event Log after trying to bring up the portal in IE (after a newly installed and configured BizTalk & ESB platform):
Exception information:
Exception type: WebException
Exception message: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
I was working in atwo (application) server BizTalk environment but Ionly had this exception on one server. The portal came up fine on the other server.
I looked at IIS log files and found a 401 for /ESB.Exceptions.Service/ExceptionService.svc/GetUserSettings
I browsed to the /ESB.Exceptions.Service/ExceptionService.svc in IE and saw this in the Application Event Log:
Exception information:
Exception type: NotSupportedException
Exception message: Security settings for this service require Windows Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts this service.
Uhh… I did have that configured:Windows Integrated was turned on and Anonymous was turned off.
The issue was that I did not run the set command for NTAuthenticationProviders (specified in this KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/215383)on that server. I had previously ran the set command on the other server in my environment before running the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.UDDIPublisher.exe