I’m about to run training at the Microsoft BizTalk RFID Solution Days and I was contemplating
rebuilding my host O/S which is Win2008 RC1 x64.

The RFID devices that the students will walk away with are USB based.

I use a third party USB Sharing software to share the USB ports to the VPCs. The thing
I’ve noticed is that using the USB drivers the sharing and responsiveness works a

The problem is that there are no – 64 bit USB drivers for the RFID1 device…..until
now!!! 🙂

I decided to ‘fudge’ a *.INF file that installs the x64 bit drivers much in the same
fashion as the i386 drivers.

So my current setup is:

(a) Host – Win2K8 x64, RFID devices plugged into it with x64 USB Drivers.

(b) USB Sharing Software

(c) Inside a VPC (using Hyper-V) running the ‘client’ of the USB Sharing I
install the x32 bit USB Drivers.
This VPC is running x32 BizTalk RFID and basically the course!

We’re cooking!

Grab the drivers below

Drivers x64 x32.zip